Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,

Monday, November 8, 2021

Dealing with A Narcissist?


   I only write on things I feel led to so I am not sure why I am even writing on this. Maybe it is a huge epidemic in the country and I am not sure why. I am sure you are laughing going come on , Tiffany, an epidemic. But yes, I truly feel that way. I feel for the people that are manipulated daily by this type of person.  Also have been the one manipulated before and it is not fun. 

  A narcissist always brings the conversation back to themselves and almost always never takes any blame for things done wrong. Likely they will blame others and explain reasons why they are not wrong. They will very rarely apologize!

 They will think they are superior to others and sometimes talk down to people around them. They often try to make themselves look better than others and want everyone to be THEIR friend. They think they do no wrong and walk around shunning people they feel are lower than them. KWIM?!? They want people to constantly praise them and find value for always having the answer. They often envy others but show it in ways of rejection. They look for ways to be the center of attention.

 Narcissists often lack ways to empathize with others or understand their side. Only trying to rationalize what they do as right and you see it another way but it is wrong. They could really care less about another person's feelings , ONLY HOW THEY FEEL! They like it even better when they have others on their side or think they do.

  They seem very charming and friendly at first and some people still see them that way. That is when it is hard. When you see something for what it is but others do not. Also they will hold grudges and bring up those offenses every time there is a argument. 

  So I am sure you are wondering why this blog post and I am kind of asking myself that as well. BUT.... I think there is a biblical way to deal with people like this. First is pray. Pray that they can see the error of their ways.Still continue to pray. After that don't waste time trying to change them OR pleading your case. MOVE ON , let God do the work. You are not going to change them. 1 Cor. 5:5 is a good verse to look at.  Next , you do not have to live in fear if you are child of God. Philippians 1:28! Set boundaries and always speak truth with them. Lastly just live in peace. Let them go and live your live in peace. Prayerfully they will finally with God's help change their ways but YOU will not make someone change. Don't worry about how they make you look. You know the truth and God knows the truth and that is all that matters.

  I think these things are good to understand and steer our children from becoming anything like a narcissist. Only not only is that person hard to be around but also they are not happy inside. They lead a very miserable life and blow up the first chance they get. Having a good character building curriculum is good to combat some of this and honestly sometimes it is just something that needs to be worked through because that is a tendency in them. Big hugs out there mamas. I know this world is a hard place. Keep your chins up and do the very best you can and work super hard to keep peace in your life.

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