Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,

Friday, January 21, 2022

You Can Be Who You Are AND A Good Mom

   First I wanna say sorry I kinda went MIA. We got the big C word the week before Christmas and well let's just say it threw my husband and I for a loop. 

  Anyhow, let's get back on topic. I have been wanting to write this for a VERY long time but never enough time to just sit down and do it. But, I'm gonna do it even if it takes me days to write out. 

  When I first became a mom I was 16!( Looking at my kids around that age I feel how my mother must of felt.) But everything I did from that day on was what I thought best for my children.  Has it always been right? No, but as parents we know there are no instructions on how to raise these kids. I had a very horrible experience with being a first time mom for MANY reasons but my children have always been viewed as a blessing. My first pregnancy was twins at 16 and their sister came almost 2 years later. 

  As time went on and I married my sweet husband we added more kids(10 more to be exact). And I poured myself into all my kids. When my 3 older ones were just in 1st and 3rd grade we pulled them out of public school and started homeschooling and never looked back. I lost myself somewhere along the way. Especially when we joined a church where the woman were taught as mothers you act a certain way so God will love you. So I tried to be that woman for my husband and my children.  But it wasn't really me.

  Not until after having our last and almost not making it did I wake up and say to myself stop being what everyone else wants you to be and just be you! I no longer follow rules but rather personal convictions. I'm sure I'm frowned upon by some but that's ok. I only have to answer to God and my husband.  The freedom I feel is intense at times.  I just wanna be myself. So yes, you might see me driving my jeep jamming to some music with a beat that you don't really approve of. But don't say oh my gosh she's a mom she shouldn't be acting like that. Say, you go girl, live this life. And there are other things I'm sure others would look down on and that's ok. I love the Lord. I love my children and am in absolute love with their daddy. But I'm gonna be who I am, tattoos, piercings,  and all. 

  You are a good mom ESPECIALLY if you're teaching them that being yourself is ok. We don't have to hid who we are!!!!


Mothertomanyblessings said...

Thank you so much for commenting and saying that! Big hugs and here's to finding ourselves!

Mothertomanyblessings said...

How is it going Crissy? 🤔