Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,

Saturday, November 29, 2008


WEll we had a pretty good Thanksgiving and still in the midst of it all I was able to maintain my weight. That is pretty good I think, I have been trying my best to lose weight since my last son was born, He just turned 3 months and I have went from weighing 228 when I checked in to the hospital to have him to weighing as of this morning 188, SO I think that is pretty good. :) Anyhow I really tried to focus this yr with the kids about what Thanksgiving is about it is not only being thankful for what you have but also being thankful that God is God, plain and simple. NO matter what trial you go through , no matter what you face God is still God and he loves ya! :) Isn;t that awsome. I have went through some not so nice things in my 28 yrs, wow am I really 28! UGH. Anyway , but having said that going through those things and SURVIVING through those things made me so much stronger and the person,mom,wife,friend,daughter,sister I am today. I thank God I went through all I did!! Did I really say that?>?? Yep, I did. Most people will never know what all I have went through and it really doesn;t matter, God knows. What I am trying to say is I know many people have it rough right now, I am not saying my life is a bed of roses by no means but we do have sooooooooooooo many things to be thankful for. I heard at church that if you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, money in your checking acct, or even just change in a dish somewhere in your house you are amoung the top 8% wealthiest people in the whole world. WOW!!! SO, take the time to thank the Lord for all you have . Kiss your kids, smile a little, take time to spend one on one with your Father and life will be so much sweeter. God bless all of you.

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