Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What a day!!!!

Man so while we were doing school my baby boy feel out of the chair. He hit really hard and scared me to death cause he was acting funny. NOw he seems to be acting fine, thank goodness. I give God thanks for that. YOu would think with 5 kids it would not bother me , but every little bump and bang still does. Also still practice testing with the boys and working on Brittani learning to read so it is a bit stressful. I am almost 30 weeks, will be MOnday anyway. I made for the first time some Amish Friendship Cinnamon Bread today and it turned out pretty good. Should of took pics but now one is in the freezer and the other has been ate off of lol. I think I might buy me a bread machine so I can start making bread. With this though I can make alot of variations like Cinnamon buns, bannana bread,etc... SO I will be baking bread every 10 days now. :) Gave one of my starters to my neighbor and really need to find one more person to give the other too but guess if I don't I will just make alot of bread next time lol. I am trying to find ways to cut cost everyone cause everything is getting so high, I could not believe how much I spent yesterday at Wal Mart and used to what I bought would of never costed that much, We do have a garden and it seems like it is fixing to start making so crossing my fingers, think we are gonna make a fall garden too. WE have chickens so we always have plenty of eggs. Anyone else have any more suggestions, Especially since we will have another here in September. :) Well I have one getting up from nap so I better go. Have a blessed day!


  1. Glad that your little one is OK. I have always been the type to really never worry about head injuries (although mine never acted weird) until the recent scare with Judah. Now I have to pray through nerves every time someone bumps their head hard. With three boys that's practically several times...per day...per child :)

  2. Oh I totally know that!!! I read all you went through with him, that was pretty scary stuff.
