Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Ways to have more money for the holidays!!!

 Of course we are all shopping online more and more so you definitely should check out the app Rakuten 🙂! Shop through it and earn money back from tons of stores. If you're already shopping why not get some money back? And guess what!?!?! Right now they are running a deal if you click my link and download the app and shop through it you earn $40!!!! Everyone you refer and they use your app right now you get $40 too!! It's simple and a great way to get some money back from that online shopping. Link--‐----->>>>https://www.rakuten.com/r/TBLLRD?eeid=44753

You can also use receipt apps to earn points for gift cards and some just give money!!! All these I use and have cashed in before so I know they are legit. 

Receipt Hog pays you to upload receipts, take surveys, and more! Download and enter code gen96670 to earn a special bonus when you sign up! Link---------https://app.receipthog.com/r/gen96670

Then there is my favorite called Fetch!!

Come save money on Fetch with me! Sign up w/ code Y7P8P & get 2,000 pts: https://fetchrewards.onelink.me/vvv3/referralsocial?code=Y7P8P. See you there!

There are a few more I use and I do some things that come to my email where you click emails and do surveys. So many ways to help during the holidays. I love earning gift cards 😍! I literally bought almost my whole family's pjs for our Christmas eve box doing this. ( that's no small thing cause I still have 10 kids still at home!)

What's your top trick? 

I wanna say thanks to anyone who uses my links as well. It helps my family!