Saturday, December 4, 2021

The weekend

   During the holiday months we might not do as much book work but the beauty is we still have to do our advent calendars on the weekend because it's a countdown!!!!! So sneaky mama/ homeschool teacher trick,  you still get in reading and thinking!!!! 

 Hope everyone is having a great Saturday and Goooooooo Dawgs! 

Friday, December 3, 2021

Christmas school

   Well today we hit math hard in with the mix but we still had our fun. We did a writing assignment that centered around writing to Santa( although all my kids know the truth 😉). We continued on with our daily advent adventures and can i just say how much I love ❤ our advent book and Jesse tree. We opened up our wild and Friedman playdough kit and opened up our heritage letter. 

   I wasn't feeling wonderful today. I had some other things planned but opted to just let then go outside. Its beautiful and 🌞 today. That's they beauty of homeschooling. I hope my kids don't remember the days I was absolutely frustrated but the memories we made and how much their mama tried to make learning fun!! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December 1- advent season!!

 Not a lot to say about today. Today is December 1st so we start our advent calendars and daily book opening!!! Also our search for our shepherd boy!!! 🎄❄