Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Homeschooling encouragement

Now I realize homeschool laws are different everywhere and homeschooling in certain states is harder but by talking with online friends from all over I do believe relaxed homeschool can be accomplish most anywhere.

   I have been homeschooling kiddos for  around 12-13 years now. I have graduated 3 from homeschooling and I consider all 3 successful. Homeschooling has caused me more stress than I care to talk about. But God! He is showing me step by step what homeschool is supposed to be. At least for our family.

   I talk with people all the time who hate sending their kids to public school or just want to keep them home with them. But when I say you should homeschool. They usually have the same reaction. I don't have the patience. Well, wanna know a little secret! Most homeschooling moms do not either including myself. Homeschool teaches the parent just as much. Prayer life is much more because you are asking God to help you not lose your marbles. Lol, just kidding. Well, not really. Some days really do have you leaning on Jesus. I would hate to try to homeschool without my faith. Anyhow!

   The biggest thing God is teaching me is my homeschool doesn't have to look like anyone else's.  I don't have to compare myself to anyone else. A wise woman once told me to not worry about what I get in, God will fill in the gaps. While I nervously laughed at that, I think it was some of the best advice I was ever given. Another thing that I believe God is teaching me is to put the most important first. God's word is the most important. If they get that and nothing else they are better off than many in this world. I am going to try something new when we start back September . I am gonna have a morning basket but am gonna tweak it to our family. I am thankful I have a God that loves me so much He directs me. It has caused me to relax a bit. And I hope it helps my kids love learning because for a while our homeschooling has been rough!

   To all the homeschool moms out there. You got this!!! Your homeschool doesnt have to look like anyone else's.  And to the moms wanting to try homeschooling take the leap. You got this also....with God's help. ;)