Friday, May 24, 2019

Update on baby and me!!!

  For those that read my blog you know all I went through with my last birth. Baby Easton is now 3 months old( I know, where did the time go!) and he is doing amazing. He is the absolute best baby ever and is such pure joy. He is everything I needed and so much more. I love watching all the new stuff he does but it also makes my heart ache as I know he will be grown all too soon. Having one son married, another engaged, and my oldest daughter already moving out I realize even more how fast it all goes. I am so thankful to God for the miracle of Easton. Everyone is so shocked when they see him and see how well he is doing.
  Well as for me, I am doing fairly well. I am completely off blood pressure meds and doing pretty good so far with that. I am hoping by losing weight it will continue to come back to where it used to be or at least close to that. I am starting to work on weaning off my anxiety meds which I see is not going to be as easy as I thought it was going to be. I have moved to every other day and on those days I go back thinking about all I just went through and the sadness of my failed last homebirth. And then the realization of no more babies hits very hard as well. But with God's help and my awesome family I am confident I will be able to work through it all. My postpartum depression is ok but I am still on my depression meds which I will be trying to wean off of as soon as I am off the anxiety meds. This is all new and crazy to me. Anyone that knows me knows I hate taking meds and struggle just having to take my thyroid meds. Prayers are still appreciated!

 But some happy news!! My husband and I went away last weekend and while it was hard to be away from the kiddos it was much needed for him and I . We needed to reconnect. So much has happened in the past year. My husband is my rock!!! He is steadfast and faithful and for that I am so thankful. God is also doing big things in our family. He has been moving and I cannot wait to see what He has in store for us.

 Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and for the messages I get. Comment below and tell me what fun things you are going to do with your family this summer!! I always love new ideas.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


 It's spring here in Georgia. Who wants to be cooped up in the house, especially doing school. I for one do not. I am trying to encorporate learning and fun. I want my kids to see how fun learning things can be. I also want them to see the beauty of everything the Lord has blessed us with.So, I decided each week for spring and summer( we school year around) we would do at least one field trip a week. It doesn't have to be a super big field trip and anything majorly thought out.

  Today we went to a military museum about 45 minutes from us. It was so neat to see the kids and also nice to talk with them about the reason we are free in this country is because others have sacrificed . While in the area we found a small park dedicated to the strongest man. Then on we went to a beautiful park. We saw a snake and was able to talk about how it was camouflaged and that is why it is important to pay attention to your surroundings.

  I am so thankful to get to homeschool. This is one of the million reasons I'm glad we can homeschool. School and learning doesn't have to be boring and stuffy. Leaving you with a few pics of our day.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

We Need To Pray for Our Husbands

   So this morning I was looking for something to send to my husband to encourage him. He has been super tired. I think part of it is his health, work load, and responsibilities. (And a small part his hobby but he won't admit that.) But as I was looking for something to encourage him I noticed something. Everything I saw said encouragement for the tired mother or encouragement for the woman in today's society. Or something along those lines. What about our men. When did they start being forgotten. Was in when women wanted all the same "advantages" as men? When the women's rights movement started? When our culture started being told women can do everything a man can do? I am not sure when it is started but I believe it started to be the downfall for our family. We forgot about our men, their feelings, their place in our family. I have watched families , even those in the christian circles and the men are kind of forgotten. I do NOT want that to happen in my family. I do NOT believe women are intended to do what a man does. In certain circumstances a woman has to fill the role of both parents but in some instances there are dads that have to do the same.

   Ladies, we need to pray for our men. We need to build them up. The Lord is showing me I have been failing in that. Yes, I pray for my husband and try to encourage him but do I truly see how much encouragement he needs. If a male is truly filling the role in the family as God intended that is a lot of weight to carry. Our men were never meant to carry it alone. I do not dare wish I was in my husband's shoes! He has to be provider, protector, head of the house, daddy, husband, etc... I would not want the responsibilities he has. He owns his own business and has so many people to answer to and mind you many think he serves them only. My point is we have to step up as ladies and quit letting our men fall to the sidelines. I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen it time and time again in my own husband.

  Times are tough! Life is tough! While yes there is a tiredness to motherhood men will never understand and being a wife and mother is super stressful. Especially for me because I want everything perfect and everyone happy and I had to realize that is not always going to be the case. But I think instead of the war on women the media likes to portray in our culture there is a terrible war on men. Just watch t.v. ! It won't take long to see how men are portrayed. So ladies even if you are not married pray for our men because many are trying and are tired. Pray for your brothers, your fathers, your friends, and your future spouses. Ladies if you are married would you join me in storming the gates of heaven for our husbands! And to my own husband! I see you. I see you trying and pushing. Trying to provide everything for our family. Trying to be the leader of our home as God intended. And I am so so thankful for you! I am praying for you and am here for you whatever you need. You got this, babe!