Thursday, February 28, 2019

Baby #13 birth story A Miracle Baby ( Part 3)

          We left off where I was still in OR . I started to get so cold and then they wheeled me to recovery where it was so warm and felt so good! It felt like I was in recovery forever. No idea how long I actually was. Finally they let my midwife back to see me and then my husband and and sweet nurse came back. The nurse was explaining to us everything that went on and how she knew I probably had an abruption going on when I made the decision for the c section.

        Next they were wheeling me down finally to see my precious baby. Of course it was love at first sight and I longed for the time I could hold him. I spent a little while with him and they took me to my room where my mom and older daughter was waiting. My sister and brother in law came to visit.  Seemed we waited forever for them to bring our sweet Easton to us. My sister had to leave before he was brought in.  It was a very emotional time for everyone when he was finally brought in.

        Honestly the days in the hospital after that were a blur. From severe pain from c section,  to jaundice and Easton having to be under lights, to breastfeeding not working out, etc... We were so glad when they told us we were getting to go home that Wendsday! Arriving home was amazing and scary.

      Everything was just healing now. But then when I woke up that Saturday morning after being home for 3 days and my bandage was full of blood. After waiting 3 hours for the hospital to call me back after I had called 3 times they just said to change bandage and watch it. Talk about adding to the traumatic delivery. It still is oozing to this day but no infection and the section looks good. Also my feet had been totally swollen. It's just been a rough recovery.

      Now here we are 1.5 weeks out from c section and my blood pressure has started acting up and I've started having headaches. I just want to recover and enjoy my baby boy!

      I want to thank everyone for the thoughts, prayers, and love shown to my family. The cards, the gifts,the meals, and the encouragement!!! I am just trying to digest everything that has happened and cope with it. I know it's been hard on my family too! Keep the prayers going and again thanks everyone. Also God is so so very good! We can look back and see Him in every step.  And we are very thankful for Northeast Georgia Medical Center, they treated us like royalty where most hospitals would of been nasty because we were trying a homebirth.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Baby #13 birth story A Miracle Baby (Part 2)

  So we left off with my water breaking and nobody was in the house. I was sitting on the couch and it was pop and the flood gates opened. I frantically called my husband, my midwife, and then my mom. I have never had my water to break and it's always been broke and then baby was born. So.... fully expecting horrible contractions and a baby very soon. My husband and mom were here in no time knowing my history. But there was no contractions.  Midwife assistant and family friend arrived and kept me calm and when midwife arrived and I was checked I was 4 cm and she said i had made a good change from 2 days before. But then the hours dragged on. I sat on the birthing ball, walked and walked, drank red raspberry leaf tea,  walked some more. My water broke at 10 am and here it was night approaching and no contractions.  It was so strange and I kept saying it was. When I was checked it wasnt really uncomfortable and I never felt that pressure of his head. I just knew it wasnt right. Night came and went and hubby and I walked in the misting rain to try to get our homebirth going so we could have the homebirth we so wanted. 24 hours approached and the devastation set in that this was not going to be a homebirth.

        My midwife called around to hospitals and most were not nice and said if we came in I would go right back to have a c section.  Then she talked with a nurse named Tasha at Northeast Ga Medical center and she was so friendly and assured us I could have the natural birth we wanted. When we arrived they had me the best room and took us right back. They were so nice. Even the ob was so super sweet. They had grabbed the monitor for the baby so I could walk around and be free from cords. The hospital has only 2. After steady contractions and everybody just sure I made progress I was checked again and still like 6 so I decided to get in the tub. It felt sooooo good but it wasnt long before things took a bad turn. 

       After being in the bathtub no time at all Easton's heart rate dropped.  With every contraction it dropped. They came in turning me this way and that. I finally said I'll just get out of the tub. So dryed off , dressed, and got in bed. Same thing. His heartrate continued to go down with each contraction.  Again roll to this side and that side. Then they wanted me to get on hands and knees and by this time contractions were a minute a part( which afterwards the nurse said really concerned them because it's an indication of placental abruption). Finally something just came over me and I said , "I'm done". Everyone was like done, what do you mean. I said get him out. I don't know what came over me. Anyone that knows me knows I said I'd never go through another c section( had emergency c section with the twins). The nurse was like , " you mean a c section"? I said , yes! Get him out. Everything from that is kind of a blur.

      Being wheeled into the OR I was so scared. I went from the thought of a beautiful homebirth to this. A C section! They started placing my epidural when she hit the wrong nerve and my left leg shot up and it felt like lightening went through my leg. Surely wasnt a great start. Finally got the epidural in place,  laid back, and I could feel them beginning and Billy wasnt even in the room yet. He finally came in and by that time I was shaking uncontrollably from the meds. It's a out of body feeling really. They got Easton out quickly and he wasnt breathing. The nurse came over and said I sure knew my body and that I had made the right decision because when they opened me up my placenta kind of just came out( placental abruption). Also the cord was wrapped all around him. Seemed like it took forever for him to breathe and nobody was answering me if he was ok. His apgar score at 1 minute was a 2!

     Finally he started trying to cry . After they got him stable they brought him over so I could have some skin to skin with him. And then whisked him away and of course hubby went with him. There I was very traumatized and everything was so fast. Then someone else came over and told me 3-5 more minutes and he wouldnt have made it and I would of been close. We both almost were not here.

  Part 3 coming soon

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Baby #13 birth story A Miracle Baby (Part 1)

    I want to tell my birth story so others will know the goodness of God but also so I can process everything. This pregnancy started out rocky. Before it I had 2 miscarriages. The second being pretty rough for me physically and emotionally because we saw a heartbeat and then next ultrasound it was gone, most likely caused by a subchoronic hemmorage.

    Then we got pregnant with Easton and first ultrasound showed subchoronic hemorrhage as well but his heart rate was better than previous baby. By 16 weeks the hemmorage was gone! On the way to that ultrasound I will never forget it was a rainbow. When I saw it I just knew the baby would be ok.

    During all this the midwife I planned to use who did my last homebirth had already planned a Disney vacation for her family before I got pregnant.  She never could find a backup and she was to be gone the week I was due. And here again God steps in. A sweet little midwife was making her way back to Georgia from Minnesota.  We met and she became our midwife.

      This whole pregnancy i was filled with anxiety and dread. I had never ever been like that with any of my other pregnancies. My husband had lots of bad dreams. I had to constantly pray for God to calm me. And I constantly prayed that our baby would be ok. And everything was pretty normal the whole pregnancy.  Nothing too much out of the ordinary. At the end I started measuring a few weeks ahead but in my mind I was thinking big baby My midwife was thinking polyhydramnios. Which is the excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid and she was probably right.

        Our last visit with her was on Valentine's Day. So hubby and I got to go out to dinner. That was so nice! I love that man more than he will ever know. I had been having contractions all night since Valentine's day but they were just at night. When I got up they would be gone. That Saturday morning my husband didn't fish his fishing tournament but after fixing us some breakfast decided he would go fishing. Nothing was happening so I was like sure .  He left, kids went outside, and I sat down to just relax and watch TV. I had probably been sitting there 5-10 minutes and my water broke!!

 Part 2 coming soon