Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Setting the Tone in our Homes

        It is a fact ladies , as bad as we do not want to admit it. We set the tone in our homes. Yesterday, was a rough one for me. I am 6 months pregnant with our 12th child and was feeling very good up until this week. I am TIRED! Not the I need more sleep TIRED, the cat crawling out of bed kind. And I am not proud of how I treated the people I love most yesterday. Not in the least. We blog and put on Facebook all our happy stuff and all the pat me on the back stuff. But we rarely talk about the ugly, hard days. Well, this is what this post is.
         I was not so nice to my kids or husband yesterday. I sulked and pouted about everything. Yes, I did not feel well. and Yes, I was struggling. But I needed to pray. Did I? Nope, just trying to get through the day in my own strength and how did that work for me. Um, not so well. Ladies when we hit those times right then and there we need to cry out to Jesus. He will sustain us. We CANNOT do it in our own strength and I am not sure why we think we can. Yes, my kids are sick and all I want to do is sleep but somebody has got to homeschool them. Someone has to take care of the house, my husband who has been working his behind off, someone has to get groceries.  Nope , God is not finished with me yet. If you look at me and think you see perfection or even close to it. Man, I hate to disappoint you. I am not patient, I yell, I even pitch fits at times. But the beautiful thing about it all is GRACE. And that God allowed me to wake up another day to try to do better WITH HIS HELP.
     The point of this post is while we are tired or have hurt feelings ladies we set the mood in our homes. Lets be salt and light. Not only in our own homes but in this sad, dying world. Pray, put your eyes on things that matter, find time in the Word. I am also talking to myself. We want our children to learn no matter the circumstance we can choose to have joy. We have so much to be thankful for. Let us keep those things in mind. I am so blessed. Yes, I am stressed and I will admit it but I would NEVER trade my life for anything. God is sooooo very good and when I take my eyes off Him is when I fall. Have a blessed, God filled day!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Falling away

Lately, I've just felt so defeated. I couldn't really put my finger on why but I just knew everywhere I look I feel like I can't keep up. But this morning I did my bible study, spent time praying, played praise and worship and you know what. That's it! That's why I can't keep up and am feeling defeated. I've taken my eyes off the Lord. I've been trying to do it all in my own strength.  I've been slowing falling away.
          The world can wrap up us in it so quickly we can barely find ourselves. Yes, I've still been having my prayer times but I've not had quality time with my precious Lord. And when we fall away of the help of our Father everything seems huge.
        Grace is so beautiful. I prayed God would show me where to go in the bible this morning. And sure enough it was exactly what I needed. So not only am I'm gonna do better about taking care of the mundane but also taking care of myself. Taking care of myself means taking care to keep my relationship with the Lord first and foremost. Where our treasure is our heart is also!
        My children also deserve my priorities to be in the right place. If my relationship with the Lord is right I'm a much better wife and mother. So , today I'm starting to challenge myself. No matter when or how I get it I'm gonna make time with my Lord. Each day that might look different with a full household but that's ok.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


   I have so many things I want to say in this blog post . So many thoughts going through my head because there is so much , well , just plain junk going on in the world. But one thing remains God is on the throne and there is only one way to Him. That is through Jesus Christ.
         I have been so busy hence why no blog post lately. Between a injured husband, a miscarriage, a new pregnancy, everyday life in a large family, a daughter with gall bladder issues, and so much more I couldn't begin to get into, along with sick kids the past two weeks. But I have had a lot on my heart. I am trying to get my thoughts in order but the kids are screaming  and running around like crazy people so I hope I even make sense.
          First, I want to talk about the transgender bathroom issue. I know, I know. I hear you saying ugh right about now. Yes, we are all tired of hearing about it and many of us are REALLY tired of our president pushing his agenda on us. But... this is my only time I am going to blog about this. Hopefully,lol! This is not a transgender issue. Not in the least little bit. While that is a sin that is a whole different post and a whole different subject. The people that are boycotting and are upset are not upset because of the transgender issue. They are upset because Target and now the government(with the passing of the public school thing) just said it is completely ok for anyone to use the bathroom they want. And it has already been shown what is going to happen. Tell the mother whose daughter just got choked out in a bathroom that she is overreacting when she says people should be using the bathroom of the sexual orientation they were born. This completely allows SATAN literally a straight shot into the bathroom of our children. Do you honestly think perverts are not gonna use this???? Honestly? I am also so sick of every time Christians stand up for what is right we are called names or saying we are spewing hate. Yes, some Christians go about things the wrong way but so do a lot of people. But really this isn't a christian , non christian issue either(although if you are a christian you better start standing up for what is just and right). It is a issue of safety. I cannot see how some are so blinded. This world is a sad place. I wish you could just trust people but sadly that is not the case anymore. Sin has blinded so many. Do you really think a father and husband is going to stand outside a bathroom and watch a man(because he supposedly feels like a woman that day) go into the bathroom with his wife and daughter and not do anything. This is bound to start all kinds of problems. And while all this is going on the president continues to pass things behind our backs and do things we have no idea of. WAKE UP PEOPLE! There I said my piece, now I will get off this soapbox and just continue to pray for this nation. And in the meantime NOT be shopping at Target.
         Secondly , Don't get caught up in the world. Geez, it is so especially easy to do and so very hard to continue following the Lord. But the rewards are greater than any struggle we face. This is just my temporary home and I have to remember that. I am going to be completely honest here. I did for a little while get caught up in the world and I am trying to put my focus back on where it should be. I won't go into all it did to me but I will say I lost my JOY. Nobody on this earth can feel the void in your life besides Jesus. People will let you down. I even wondered if I could continuing following the Lord's will for life. Told you I was going to be completely honest. Especially after my miscarriage. But God again has remained faithful and just. He will never leave us or forsake us. Doesn't mean he won't spank us so to say but He is always with us and his grace is sufficient. My most favorite verse I think is 2 Cor. 12:9. -"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." So, I will continue putting my trust where it belongs no matter what comes my way because He has blessed me so very much.
            Lastly, I just want to say do not let the devil have a foothold in your life. There is so many ways he can get in. his goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. We have become so immune to sin and such in our society we just keep going on about our business. We including myself are so self absorbed in our own lives and in ourselves we fail to see so many out there that are hurting. When did we stop loving others and being so very hateful to each other. When did the church(talking about the people not a building) stop being there for each other in their times of need. I see how beautifully the church meets some needs but then I also see how it is failed miserably with some. I want to be salt and light. Don't get me wrong. I will stand up for what I believe is just and right but I also want to just love on people. I do not hate the sinner , I hate the sin!!! My challenge to you this week is to open your eyes. Get off your phones. Talk to people. Check on others and find someone to love on this week. Someone to help. And most importantly make sure your children are okay. Spend time with them, talk to them, because they are your most important mission. 

   God is bigger than all of this!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Why I Announce My Pregnancies Early

   I have talked to several people lately that have asked me why I announce so early. Well , there are several reasons. Really this time I almost didn't want to tell ANYONE, not even my husband I knew several days before I told him. I had just miscarried the month before and I felt if I told someone that I would lose this one( weird I know).
    Then I got to thinking about even if I did lose this child would it be even less of a life than it was? It is still a life to me no matter if I carry the baby 1 day, 4 months, 9 months, or whatever. So, that is the reason I announce early. Yes, we waited a bit to see how things looked this time to tell our children but we do want them to know that life has sadness and trials along with joy. It is okay to grieve when we need to. And life begins at conception. That is something we want our children to know and understand.
    Another reason I announce early is because there is NOTHING better than having prayer warriors praying for you and your family. Prayer is a mighty thing and I want nothing more to know that someone is praying for me, my precious baby, and our family. That is one of the most beautiful things you can do for someone is pray for them. And I covet your prayers and would love to know how I can pray for you!
    And I want others to rejoice with me. While I know there are naysayers that are not happy with us having so many kids , that is their problem! Billy and I resolved about 9 years ago to fully trust in the Lord and give him every part of our lives and that is what we have done. Has it been easy? Well , not really but we have been SO VERY BLESSED and are rich in the things that matter. Sometimes it gets downright lonely but you know what? God is always there and ever faithful.
     While I have 11 living children , I also have several angel babies waiting for me in heaven. Oh, the reunion that will be someday. Until then I can hold fast in knowing that my grandmas are up there probably rocking those babies for me. :) And how precious that they are at Jesus's feet! I do have a lot of stress and anxiety that I will go through another miscarriage. Things are looking good so far with this one but I know who holds the future so I just have to trust in Him. Every little cramp or thing that I think is out of the ordinary sends me into a state of worry but then I remember 2 Cor. 12:9! And peace fills my soul.
       I know there are some that have a difference of opinion than me on when they like to announce and like everything else you have to do what makes you comfortable. I know I have heard well if I miscarry I don't want to have to go through explaining to people why I am no longer pregnant and yes it does sting some when someone doesn't know and they congratulate you or ask how you are feeling BUT I do not want to ever act like a child did not exist just because it make me or someone else uncomfortable. Everyone has their own convictions and this is just mine. I also want to be considerate to someone who might be infertile that could never have children but I also want others to do the same for me. I had someone that I just know online (not in real life) , say well at least you have 11 children you should not be upset. I only got to adopt because I could not have biological children. That was heartbreaking! Just because I have several children does not make the heart hurt any less. My heart breaks for someone that may not be able to bear children of their own but I also know God has a plan for us all!
     Love each other, bear one another's burdens , and pray for one another. There is enough nasty in this world. Be salt and light. I hope that is what I am to others. I have a long way to go and so glad God has never given up on me. I hope to update you as this pregnancy progresses and I appreciate all your prayers.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Attention all parents!!!! Host a Healthy Baby Home Party!

What is a Healthy Baby Home Party?
Seventh Generation's home parties are powered by people like you who are focused on creating a healthy environment for the next generation. Developed with input from non-profit partner, Healthy Child Healthy World, they are a great way to get together with friends, share helpful information, and make an impact!
Healthy Baby Home Party kits are provided to all selected hosts and are filled with educational info about our environment, helpful tips, a fun game, and samples and coupons from Seventh Generation and other favorite family-friendly brands like bobble, Plum Organics and Zarbee's Naturals.
What is the Application Process?
  • Sign up at to join the Generation Good community, or log in if already a member.
  • Accept the Healthy Baby Home Party Application offer on your Generation Good dashboard and complete the application.
  • Applicants will be notified by end of March if they have been selected to host a party, via an email to the email address assigned to their Generation Good member profile.
  • All selected applicants will then need to confirm their participation by accepting the Healthy Baby Home Party Mission in Generation Good and confirming their shipping address.
  • 1,900 FREE Party Kits will be distributed in this round.
  • Hosting spots are open to US residents only at this time. Canadian parties are planned for later in 2016!
  • Full terms and conditions are available within Generation Good in the "Healthy Baby Home Party Application" offer.
I personally love Seventh Generation and Generation Good. Chemical free products and they work great! Highly recommend. I have received products from them before for free to try and I have loved everything. Give them a try and reduce the chemicals you use in your home.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Seventh Generation

 The past few years I have been more aware of chemicals. I am trying to get as much as of my home as I can. Baby items without chemicals is VERY important to me. We love Seventh Generation. They have awesome non toxic diapers as well as great wipes and other products. I really like what they stand for and how they give back to the community. I would highly recommend trying Seventh Generation. We love their dish liquid as well. I am so thankful their are companies out there that make healthy products a priority . I would check out Generation Good as well.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ore Ida Tater Tots

 Okay so you know I blog a little about everything. And of course food is a big part of our lives because with 13 people in a house you go through a lot of food. We try to eat as healthy as possible but with a busy household you do the best you can. Here is where Ore Ida comes in. Everyone in my home loves Tater tots and many in our home love Tater tot casserole. I was sent a coupon from Influenster for a honest review just so you know. But honestly we already love Ore Ida. I CAN tell a difference in other brands of tater tots, they almost taste freezer burnt. Anyway, I would love to know what you think about Ore Ida, tater tots, or what your favorite food is. :) Here in our home we love the Ore Ida brand.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Natural Rememdies to Have on Hand Before the Sickies Hit Your House!!!

This is my must have tried and true list of natural remedies that have worked for MY family. I am no doctor, never claimed to be and so I am not intending on diagnosing, treating, or curing anything in this post. I am just a mom of 11 that has learned a lot over the years on ways to treat sickness so we are not running to the doctor and picking up other stuff every time we get sick.

    1.Activated Charcoal- This is a must to have on hand for any parent in case of accidental poisoning. BUT it also has tons of other benefits. One being it can stop a stomach virus like no mans business. I buy the capsules for convenience. Adults can take recommended dosage and you can open capsules to add in kids applesauce or what have you to get it in them. It works so very well!! Another little secret-believe it or not it is great for whitening teeth.

2. DiGize-This is a oil blend from Young Living and we LOVE it in this house because it works so well for tummy issues. It is so easy to just rub it on if one of the kids starts throwing up. It usually knocks it right out!! DiGize is also great for constipation, diarrhea, tummy bugs, and so much more.

3.Grape Juice- Who would of thought!! But really if a stomach bug is going around drink some grape juice!! It is a great way to KEEP FROM getting a tummy virus. I will be keeping it on hand from now on. It does work great.

4.Thieves oil- This is also a blend from Young Living and has went through many test for it's uses for germs! And we have sure tried it out in a family of 13. I will not be without this one either. I just got over being sick for the first time in years because I totally slacked with our oils and supplements. I have not had to take the kids to the doctor for sickness since I started using Thieves(except for my daughter's gall bladder issues). It really has been a blessing for a family who used to be sick all the time.

5. Pineapple Juice- Just found this little gem! It is great for coughing. It taste good and actually works. I just learned this one and will be making sure to have this on hand.

6.A wonderful ear drop for children is by Herbs for Kids.It is a Willow/Garlic ear oil and works magic. I am being totally serious. You warm this stuff up and drop a few drops in and it is almost instant relief. Very thankful for this.

7. Since we are talking about ear aches/infections along with the ear oil we use is a mix of oils. We use Copiaba,Purification, and Thieves mixed with carrier oil and rub behind the ear. I have a little tool I bought from Amazon to look in the ear and I saw this really does work. Last year two of my kids had really bad ear infections and with this mix and the ear oil the ear infection healed up within a few days and it was a bad one! **Never put Essential Oils in the ear**

8.Of course when you are sick you want something warm to the throat. This time I really wished I would of had some homemade chicken broth in the freezer. So making some of that and having that on hand is a great thing. I had to settle for Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup. The health benefits are totally different but hey it did serve it's purpose. Hoping to make some chicken broth soon to keep in the freezer.

9.Throat Coat Tea by Traditional Medicinals  is a great thing to keep on hand. It doesn't taste bad and really works! When your throat is hurting you will be thankful for this one.

10.My diffuser is a must have in this house when we are sick and really when we are not. We diffuse Thieves a lot around here. And when you are sick diffusing various different oils REALLY helps. I would never want to be without my diffuser.

11.R.C. oil - Another blend from Young Living is great for respiratory and colds. It really offers huge relief .

12. Well Child by Planetary Herbals -This is something else that my house is never without!!! This is a echinacea-elderberry  herbal syrup for kids. Can be used on ages 1 and up. My kids actually ask for this because they like the taste. Since using this many years ago they have been much healthier!! I get mine off Amazon and when I get low I order the refill. Isn't really expensive either.

    There are a few more things my family uses on a regular basis but I will leave you with these top 12 things. Please feel free to leave a comment with your must have list. :) This is how we keep our large family in the best health we can possible. We do live in a fallen world full of sickness and sin. It is almost certain you WILL get sick sometime so being prepared is key.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Blog post coming soon!!! Must have natural products to have on hand!!

Tomorrow I will be writing a blog post about must have natural products and remedies to have on hand in case someone gets sick in your house. We just got over something nasty and I'm thankful for my knowledge and the tons of research I have done. Totally think I had the flu, the kids were not near as sick but I do better about boosting their immune systems than taking care of myself.
     Will be posting the natural remedies that were the biggest blessing to my family! Have a blessed night!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Seventh Generation Wipes and Products

Ladies and Gentleman after 11 children I have went through the wipes. I think I have tried every wipe known to man and then some more, lol. There is NO TELLING how many wipes we have gone through in our baby raising. I have searched high and low for wipes I love. When I started to be more chemical conscience I tried a few brands but some were dry and others just plain stunk. But then I found Seventh Generation wipes and diapers.
   Oh my, the rest is history. These are the only wipes I will ever use. I have them on my Prime Subscribe and Save shipment because I never want to run out. I am always so excited when I found them on sale , get a free sample, or have a coupon. They work well and I do not have to worry about harsh chemicals on my baby. Win Win!!! So if you haven't tried them out yet then give them a whirl. I doubt you will regret it. Best wipes ever. 
   And since we love the wipes so much we branched out and tried other products of theirs. Like dish liquid and laundry detergent , both of which we love as much. Their dish liquid is a must in our house . The only other we use is Thieves dish liquid unless we just already had another brand on hand and are trying to use it up. I am just starting to use their laundry detergent but so far so good on that as well. So, what are you waiting for? Try these products asap. What have you got to lose? Less chemicals in your home. Awesome!!
  I was send free samples for an honest review. :)