Monday, April 4, 2016

Why I Announce My Pregnancies Early

   I have talked to several people lately that have asked me why I announce so early. Well , there are several reasons. Really this time I almost didn't want to tell ANYONE, not even my husband I knew several days before I told him. I had just miscarried the month before and I felt if I told someone that I would lose this one( weird I know).
    Then I got to thinking about even if I did lose this child would it be even less of a life than it was? It is still a life to me no matter if I carry the baby 1 day, 4 months, 9 months, or whatever. So, that is the reason I announce early. Yes, we waited a bit to see how things looked this time to tell our children but we do want them to know that life has sadness and trials along with joy. It is okay to grieve when we need to. And life begins at conception. That is something we want our children to know and understand.
    Another reason I announce early is because there is NOTHING better than having prayer warriors praying for you and your family. Prayer is a mighty thing and I want nothing more to know that someone is praying for me, my precious baby, and our family. That is one of the most beautiful things you can do for someone is pray for them. And I covet your prayers and would love to know how I can pray for you!
    And I want others to rejoice with me. While I know there are naysayers that are not happy with us having so many kids , that is their problem! Billy and I resolved about 9 years ago to fully trust in the Lord and give him every part of our lives and that is what we have done. Has it been easy? Well , not really but we have been SO VERY BLESSED and are rich in the things that matter. Sometimes it gets downright lonely but you know what? God is always there and ever faithful.
     While I have 11 living children , I also have several angel babies waiting for me in heaven. Oh, the reunion that will be someday. Until then I can hold fast in knowing that my grandmas are up there probably rocking those babies for me. :) And how precious that they are at Jesus's feet! I do have a lot of stress and anxiety that I will go through another miscarriage. Things are looking good so far with this one but I know who holds the future so I just have to trust in Him. Every little cramp or thing that I think is out of the ordinary sends me into a state of worry but then I remember 2 Cor. 12:9! And peace fills my soul.
       I know there are some that have a difference of opinion than me on when they like to announce and like everything else you have to do what makes you comfortable. I know I have heard well if I miscarry I don't want to have to go through explaining to people why I am no longer pregnant and yes it does sting some when someone doesn't know and they congratulate you or ask how you are feeling BUT I do not want to ever act like a child did not exist just because it make me or someone else uncomfortable. Everyone has their own convictions and this is just mine. I also want to be considerate to someone who might be infertile that could never have children but I also want others to do the same for me. I had someone that I just know online (not in real life) , say well at least you have 11 children you should not be upset. I only got to adopt because I could not have biological children. That was heartbreaking! Just because I have several children does not make the heart hurt any less. My heart breaks for someone that may not be able to bear children of their own but I also know God has a plan for us all!
     Love each other, bear one another's burdens , and pray for one another. There is enough nasty in this world. Be salt and light. I hope that is what I am to others. I have a long way to go and so glad God has never given up on me. I hope to update you as this pregnancy progresses and I appreciate all your prayers.