Thursday, June 25, 2015

Large Family Hacks Part 1

After having 11 kids I have realized and learned how to make my life easier somewhat. I have learned what is important to make my life run easier. Here are some of the things I would say are my biggest must haves. This will be part 1 as I do not have much time for blogging right now so I will break these up into several parts. Please feel free to ask me questions or add what you feel is your biggest help as a larger than average family. :)
My large laundry room is a must have for me. I so love my laundry room and its very functional. This is just half of it. On top of the counter is baskets I put my clean clothes in to fold and sort and underneath are bigger baskets for dirty clothes. Beside the picture out of sight is a cart where I sort most of all the kids clothes and they can just come get their clothes from there or have a buddy help them and put up the clothes( wished it always worked that smoothly, lol).
This idea I got from Pinterest and it has been a huge help. Every night or morning I bag the kids snacks and they can pick snacks from their bag during the day. When the snacks are gone out of their bag then that is it for the day. I try to do MOSTLY healthy snacks but as you see sometimes they get a small box of cereal. :) (No that is not wine behind the bags but NingXia Red from Young Living,lol)
And a must for me to get anything at all done during the newborn stage is my carriers. I love them and they allow me to get things done and also to go places it would otherwise be hard to go and do. I especially love them while grocery shopping because I usually have several little ones with me as well.
More to come later! :)