Wednesday, February 11, 2015

God's grace

 We've been sick this week! I am not talking some minor cold sick, I mean really sick. Have you ever had 10 kids be sick almost at the same time. Takes a lot of grace from God to get through and I am so thankful for grace! This is the sickest we have been in 3 years. I think partly due to me sliding a little with our immune boosting stuff, but sometime in our lives we are bound to get sick(it's a part of living in a fallen world).
  I am 32 weeks pregnant with our 11th child and to say this week has been hard for me is a understatement BUT God have extended so much grace. I am exhausted and can hardly function but somehow everything that has NEEDED to be done has gotten done. AND since I have done a lot of research for a couple of years and helped others use their Young Living oils with success I knew pretty much what to use (with a little help from others ;) ) and we haven't had to make a trip to the doctor with anyone yet. :) I am pretty sure we have either had  the flu or RSV. And I know for a fact my 3 yr old had a nasty ear infection. I have a tool you can look in their ears and see for yourself(if you don't have this as a parent it's on my must haves list).
     God has used a sweet neighbor, friend, and the family we home church with. They brought us groceries and some warm food Monday. Then He used my bestest friend and her church to provide food yesterday. That allowed a little rest and for me to be able to just take care of sick little ones. My biggest helper has also been sick since yesterday but thankfully she has been able to still help a little and push through. For two nights I was on the couch with a couple of really sick little ones. God's grace is the ONLY way I made it through those nights. At your most hopeless times God always shows up. Never give up!

    Yes, I am exhausted. Yes, it's hard and I haven't complained because my poor husband and older sons have been sick with it AND having to work. My husband is the only provider of the family and owns his own business so he pretty much had no choice. He is so strong and I know only by the grace of God he has made it to work and gotten his work done.

 I know this too shall pass but as any mother will tell you taking care of little ones is hard when they are really sick. But another grace thing happened. My husband and I were able to get away last weekend for a anniversary/Valentine's day, before baby comes trip. Therefore I was able to come in this sickness week rested and having had time with the most special person on earth. How Great Is Our God!!

   If you could just say a quick prayer for our family. And thank you to everyone that has helped our family in one way or another. My sweet Annie woke up and was fine this morning but started with hives later on but thankfully Lavender oil cleared that right up. Many blessings to everyone that reads this and I pray you see God's grace in everyday life as well as the rough times.