Monday, October 27, 2014

Mold Me, Lord!

 Boy, is the Lord doing a work in me and sometimes the molding hurts and is not fun but oh what blessings come from it. First, I want to say we found out last week our 11th baby is going to be a girl. What a sweet blessing! She is healthy thus far and I am so thankful to the Lord. She is already loved very much and we still have many months until we can me her here earth side .

  Back to the original post though. The Lord is molding me into being a wife, a mother to many, a sister, taking care of my grandma , and being a daughter. Life is NOT about us. Was never intended to be. But oh how society has made us think it is suppose to be. We need to give freely and no I am not talking about money. I am talking about ourselves. The Lord has totally humbled me in taking care of my grandma, my kids, and my husband. I am no where near the person I wished I was but I am still a work in progress. I am so thankful the Lord loves me enough to discipline me and mold me into that person that I should be, that I was put here to be. Back to giving freely. That means give of yourself, your time, your talents. When you start focusing on others and how you can help them you will be changed in the process. YES, life is hard taking care of 10 children, TRYING to be the wife I need to be, and taking care of my 91 year old grandma. YES , sometimes I am downright exhausted and want to give up. But guess what? In those times is when I call out to the Lord for help. Would I need him so much if I did not give myself to others? Following the Lord is NEVER easy but is so very worth it!!! If I didn't take in my grandmother I would miss all the sweet conversations we have or the silly times my family has with her. If I only decided to have the kids I thought I should of had I would of missed many blessings from the different children I would of missed meeting. Thankfully, we trusted the Lord in every part of our lives including our fertility. If I didn't strive to be the wife I should be I wouldn't need the Lord so much because frankly I mess up. I don't always love my husband like I should, or take care of him like I should. But I do try!!!

  Believe me I know what many of you are saying I don't have the time or energy for anything else.  But a lot of time this is where prayer comes into play. Along with a good bible study time(which I really need to get back into). I am thankful the Lord is still molding me and while I will never be perfect this side of heaven I want to follow Him. I want to do His will. I want to give freely of myself even when it's too much. Because in those times I come broken to the Lord and He picks me up and dusts me off and tells me it is part of the plan. He is molding me into the woman He wants me to be and THAT is exactly where I want to be. :) I know many are struggling today but just remember your stumbling blocks only cause you to hit your knees and pray and that you are still a work in progress. What the devil means for evil , God turns into blessings!!