Monday, March 24, 2014

Being A Wife and Mother IS Enough

     I am not sure when the lie started that women need to be more than JUST a wife and mother but I do know it is what has changed our society and I do not think it has changed it for the better. Children NEED their mother and a man NEEDS his wife. I have went through times where I felt bad for not contributing to the family financially and because my husband has to work so hard but then I remember what I am commanded in the bible. Here is what the bible says about being a wife:

Ephesians 5:22                    
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
In this verse I realize that being a wife IS enough. This is what my husband expects of me, to be home and content on keeping the home. Taking care of his children and just caring for his needs.

Proverbs 31:10-31                    
An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar.
In this verse it reminds me that doing household task and taking care of the home IS my job.

****Before I go any further I want to say I know and understand some women have to work. I am not judging anyone so please do not think this. I do believe however SOME women COULD be at home and SHOULD be.

    Bearing a new liberated identity, many women have devoted themselves to ambitious busyness everywhere but in the home. We want recognition and being a mother will NOT get you much of that. Nobody sees the countless hours you pour into your family and it is downplayed as ,"just a stay at home mom". Women have been brainwashed to believe that the absence of a payroll occupation enslaves a woman to failure, boredom, and imprisonment within the confines of home. While we may not get huge recognition the knowledge of knowing we did what the Lord commanded in teaching our children when they rise and when they lay down is enough. That we took care of our husband and loved him as commanded. Our goal is not in temporal things but in eternal. Raising a soul to follow the Lord is much more important than making those dollars. Training your daughter to be able to take care of her household is important and so is preparing your son to provide for his future family.

  Being a wife and especially a mother you have to practice a lot of unselfishness and in our society for many that is a hard pill to swallow. It is sometimes for this mama as well. The Lord is really doing a work on me in this department. Motherhood is a rewarding job but many times the biggest rewards are seen much later! But the Lord gives us small rewards along the way like the innocent smile of a 4 month old , a child reading for the first time, the I love you mama's, the huge hugs out of no where, or the 17 year old son that loves the Lord and has grown into a awesome young man. Also the reward of being able to be there for your husband. Plan special occasions and really put thought into them. Being home when he comes home. Having dinner prepared. Being here just when he needs me IS enough.

 I want you to know those that are reading this: The mom that has had no sleep or the wife who feels unappreciated that Someone sees you. Someone sees what you are doing, that you are doing your best and sometimes feel nobody cares. There is someone who cares very much so for you. So much so He gave His one and ONLY son. Someone sees the drudgery of everyday life and it DOES matter. The clean laundry, the clean dishes, the diaper changes, the cooked meals, clean house, snotty noses wiped, etc. are all for eternal things. These are things that are not temporal but for eternity and THAT is what is important. YOU MATTER AND BEING A WIFE AND MOTHER IS ENOUGH AFTER ALL THAT IS WHAT WE ARE COMMANDED TO BE!