Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lies and Truth

 There is so much that fill our heads these days. So many lies that it is hard to find the truth. Sometimes it gets so confusing that what you thought was the truth turns out to be nothing but lies. But there is HOPE- my hope is in Jesus- the way , the TRUTH, and the life.

   There is the lie that if you become saved and follow Jesus that things will be all peaches and cream(yes, I am from GA. :) ) but in reality sometimes that is further from the truth. Following Jesus means we may lose things, suffer, go through sickness, heartache, pain. We may never understand this side of heaven why on earth we had to suffer so greatly BUT there is the TRUTH. The truth is that God never leaves our sides, He is always there and He is our hope. It DOES all end well but for a season times may be hard.

    Then there is a lie that you will have health, wealth , and such. Not sure where in the world that came from either but this is not true either. IF God has given you wealth then He is probably giving it to you so you can help others and reach out and be His hands and feet. There is a LIE going around that we keep it for ourselves , see how much we can buy and how fancy of things we can get. The TRUTH is you will fall and lose in this game. The TRUTH is you may have nothing, be sick, and be all alone BUT IF you have Jesus you have EVERYTHING!

   There is a lie that you are not enough . That God is not enough. But you know what God IS enough and He made you so you are enough.  2 Cor. 12:9 says, for His Grace is sufficient. Grace is a beautiful thing and there goes into another lie. Many have heard and have in their heads that grace is not for them. That they have done such horrible things that God could never love them. That is a LIE. The Truth is Jesus died FOR ALL! And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord and follows Him shall be saved. That my friends is TRUTH.

  Life is HARD. People will come and go out of your life and times will get lonely but continue to follow TRUTH. In the end it is so worth everything you ever went through. God is so good and we are so blessed. In this day and time it is hard to find the truth for the lies so that is why it is so important to stay in the Word and not listen to man! In Christ we are a new creation! Thank goodness for that!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Those Horrible Teenagers!!

 I have written about this before but feel the need to do it again. I am very sad about the comments  I hear like, " Just wait until they are teenagers". Or just the talk in general about having teenagers and how horrible they are. Yes, I have made the same comments just trying to be funny but really it isn't funny. Teenagers should be viewed and treated like young adults. We should be raising them on a strong foundation so that they may go out and share the gospel. If we did that then we would never have to worry about saying those things.

  I have to be honest I LOVE my teens and they are much easier than my younger ones most days. I have 3 teenagers in this house at this time. Twin 16 year old sons (who will be 17 in March) and a 15 year old daughter. Yes, they add some added issues in the house and sometimes the hormones are flying but they are so helpful. They make it where I can have time with my husband, try to work on healing my adrenals, or just have time to get my thoughts. They keep us laughing and remind us how life should be fun. They have amazing faith and we could actually learn a lot about how hardworking they are. They are always ready to learn.

 Maybe we should start saying look at those horrible adults. Don't you think a lot of times things might fall back on the parents or adults in their lives. Now, don't misunderstand me. I do believe some teens can backslide from their beliefs and turn away from their parents for a time. I KNOW this happens. Happened to me but I do see even Christian parents just trying to shove their kids off to someone else and speaking horribly about their children. Think about how you would feel if someone talked about you constantly, you would have a horrible attitude as well. Think about going through the changes of hormones without a Christian foundation. Maybe we need to start rethinking things. Maybe they are not all the cause of the name they have but the affect of how they have been treated. So , next time that teen is sitting in their room by themselves or they slam that door another time , just maybe you should go ask them why. Talk to them! They will after all be gone very soon. Time is fleeting. WE should be reaching our teens NOW and love them NOW.

 I have some of the best teens around and am so thankful for them. They keep me on my toes. They make me laugh, cry, dance, sing, run, get angry, worry, and LOVE. They teach me so much and I am thankful the Lord gave me these children. While at the time they might not have been viewed as the blessings they are , I am thankful the Lord knows much better about what we need. ;)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Day

While for the most part I believe Valentines' Day is just a another day where businesses try to make extra money by exploiting certain things. I believe stuff is overpriced and that we should treat everyday like Valentine's Day. Do I? No, but I should. But while I do not necessarily agree with it I can use the "holiday" to put my husband first and make sure he knows how much he is loved.

You do not have to spend a ton of money on stuffed animals , overpriced candy, or chemical laden food. You can plan out a time for you and your spouse without spending tons of money. I cannot mention yet what I have planned because my sweetie reads this but I hope he ends up feeling very special.

Most importantly I want to remember the ultimate Valentine gift and that was Jesus Christ. John 3:16 says , For God so loved the world He gave his one and only son!!! Wow! Oh how much He must love us! What a precious gift of love! That is what I want to remember this Valentine's Day. That is what I want to teach my children. And that is what I want to give others. God is soooo very good and I just want to put my focus on him.

While many will not celebrate Valentine's Day at all I see no problem in showing your spouse just how much you love them. WE should be doing that anyway. I see no problem in a holiday that reminds us of that. So, what are you planning this Valentine's Day?