Thursday, June 13, 2013

The things the Lord has been teaching me and a few other ramblings

Baby will be here very soon. I am 34 weeks and counting. I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. I think with each pregnancy the end gets a bit harder but thankfully I know what comes from it! :)  I am so thankful for my husband and wonderful older kids. I think if we had not chosen to live the life we have, following the Lord in everything (including the number of children we would have) I would of missed lessons. The Lord has had to really teach me about relying on myself. I CANNOT do things well if I am not relying on Him. Every time I start not relying on the Lord I fall flat on my face. Fear sets in and things go chaotic. 2 Cor. 12:9 has been a HUGE verse for me. I put it on my mirror in my bathroom and memorized it when I was going through my miscarriages and it has been a HUGE help in my times of trial.
         Secondly, the Lord has really been teaching me that sometime you just have to let others help. I am not sure why this is so hard for me. Maybe it is a pride issue the Lord is working out in me. I am not sure but it is really hard for me to ask or take help. But sometimes you just have to allow others to help. I think that is why I have gotten to the thyroid issues I have is with each pregnancy and after I would not really let anyone help except for maybe meals right after baby. I really believe the body of Christ is put in your life for a reason and that the Lord puts people in your life at certain times because HE knows what we need. And sometimes we do not let him work in our lives. I am still really, really working on this!!! I have been asked by several young ladies who have just started kids what would be my advice and I always tell them first about always relying on the Lord but then if they have someone offering help to take it and be sure they get the rest they need. I am really praying about that this time, that I would take the help offered and get the rest I need so I maybe come out with better health than I have had in a while.
     The Lord has also been teaching me that sometimes life is just gonna be chaotic and sometimes that is life. I am a little OCD , you can ask people that have been to my house even when I am feeling bad. I want everything neat and tidy and in order including everything that goes on in my life and sometimes life gets messy and is not neat and tidy. Sometimes we can fix everything from scratch and feed our families very healthy and sometime we are in a season( say when we are very big and pregnant) that we just cannot do it and we have to feed them less healthy things BUT we have to remind ourselves that they are getting fed and that ultimately relying on the Lord for our health is our best bet. ;)  I have really had to learn there are times we just cannot do things. Times for rest! God even rested I have to tell myself , isn't that crazy that have to MAKE myself rest even when my body is screaming please sit down. This has really helped me to remember that life has seasons in our life for different things. And the things I may be wanting to get done may not be what the Lord wants me to be doing at the moment.
      I am growing daily with the Lord. I am thankful for the family and wonderful friends my family has. I know God puts certain people in your lives for many reasons. I am thankful for the things I am taught daily and how it helps me grow. And how it helps me swallow my pride and be humble. The Lord is so good and I look so forward in 3-6 weeks meeting this little fellow. :) God bless and I would love for you to leave me a comment and let me know what the Lord is teaching you.