Friday, January 25, 2013

Blaming others

Today my husband and I were having a correcting moment with some of our older children , we have one that tends to blame everyone else for his problems instead of seeing what he is doing wrong. That got me thinking about how our society is like. Just the other day I say on facebook someone reposted about a lady who had several children and her husband/baby's father got arrested. She proceeded to say I want to know who is gonna take care of all these kids. Well miss that would be you. Why do we think other people need to take care of us and when things go wrong instead of looking at the true root cause we blame whatever we can think of. Like the shooting recenting where thost beautiful innocent little lives were taken, what was blamed. Guns. What about just saying this is the result of sin! This is the result of this nation trying to get as far away from God as they can and the plain simple truth that this is darkness and sin. WE have got to start raising our children to understand what THEY do and what happens to them has nothing to do with what someone else does. If someone else is doing wrong and wrongdoing towards them they will have to answer for that. Just like some people say well I won't tithe because I don't like what the church does with my money. Wait a minute-that is God's money. IF the church does not handle the money well that is on them. If they are irresponsible they will have to answer for it. IF as a society we spent more time taking care of our responsibilities and less time blaming everyone and everything then things would work out alot better. Wanna know why medical cost have risen and why doctor's are leary of doing certain things? It is because every chance someone gets they want to sue someone. Hey, what about just going out and making money and quit worrying about trying to find someone that has did wrong. I hope this post is not taken wrongly. I do believe if someone does wrongdoing they should be punished but I also believe there comes a time where we have to take care of our responsiblities and be responsible for our own actions. Just like our wonderful president said if this gun control he wants to pass could save one life it is worth it. UM, MR. President what about the innocent that are MURDERED daily for the sake of women's rights???? Why instead of blaming everyone we start standing up for what is right and understanding it is sin. That is the cause of heartache. So.... in saying this I know this is something I will have to teach my kids almost daily and that will also have to remind myself of. But it is worth the effort to turn what this society has tried to teach around.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 in Review

The past year went by so quickly. IT was a year full of so many blessings and a good bit of heartache but I am thankful for it all. To begin the year in Jan. Paige turned 13! My baby girl was now a teenager but she acts way beyond her years, she is so smart and helpful. Levi turned 5, where did my baby boy go. Feb. was Billy and my 11 yr wedding annivesary. That one is hard to believe, so grateful to God for giving me this man. March my sister and I threw my parents a surprise party, they had been married 40 years and also both were turning 60 so we called it a 100 year celebration. That was very fun and we really surprised them!! WE are very thankful for our parents and for the life they have given my sister and I. March also was full of more celebration as Dylan and Dustin turned 15 and Brittani turned 9 ( all that was very shocking too). Dylan and Dustin were born at 32 weeks and weighed 3 and 4 pounds at birth and now they are thriving 15 year old boys that are super smart and I am amazed daily at what they have learned working with their daddy. June was my turned to be surprised!! My husband, oldest daughter and sons, and some sweet young girls from my church pulled together as surprise party for me for my birthday. I was in total shock and very grateful for my family and that of the super church family we have. IT was a great time after experiencing a couple of miscarriages. In August our Issac turned 4 and in September our sweet baby girls Annie and Elizabeth turned 3 and 2. In October was Billy's birthday which we celebrated by having a GA/FL get together as usual but this year we have tons of people here which made it even more special to Billy but since Ga. WON it was a special day for me too ;) Also October brought a very special day in it as our baby boy Jericho turned 1!!! November brought another positive pregnancy test and as of right now I am almost 11 weeks. AFter alot of heartache of 3 miscarriages it is a joy to be expecting and so far baby has looked well. Prayers for a healthy baby in 2013 would be appreciated. 2012 also brought health problems as the reason for my miscarriages was thyroid issues as well as low progesterone which makes you feel horrible. Billy also has a hernia. December brought a fun Christmas season that we celebrated the birth or our Savior Jesus Christ. And now here we are in Jan. 2013. I am hoping for many more blessings this year and the blessing of a healthy baby. Through all the heartache I experienced in 2012 the Lord taught me so much!! Well that is pretty much it! Hope your year was blessed and that the New Year will be even more blessed for you and your family and my hope is that we all turn our hearts to the Lord.