Monday, August 27, 2012

Through trials the Lord can teach you so much

I have not posted much lately because I have not be in my right mind, I have had some health things going on but the Lord has used this trial to teach me soooooooooo much and while I thought I was dying,had cancer, or something of the sort I would not trade this trial for anything. The Lord has taught me I need to be more content, I need to wait for HIS TIMING, I need to give more attention to my husband(alot of times I let life get in the way, this is something I will probably have to work on the rest of my life), that relying on other people in your time of weakness is what the church is all about and that it is okay, and so much more. To fill you in we did find out what was going on with me, I have hypothyroidism. I have started some medicine and have felt a bit better. I hope to find some natural alternatives when my levels are leveled out. I just wanted to write this post because no matter what you are going through God can sure use it to teach you something if you LISTEN and study his word. I would love to hear if anyone else deals with any thyroid issues and how you manage it. God is good, good all the time!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Winner of the contest

The winner is .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................PROVERBS MAMA. CONGRATS!!! Email me at t_bllrdatyahoodotcom with your address and I will get the book out to ya. :) Thanks

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fun at the zoo

Last weekend we went to the zoo and had a great time with the kids. I just love family time! Here are a few pics from our day. :)
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Friday, August 10, 2012


The Giveaway for my book will be ending in a few days be sure to enter so you can win. :) On another note I have not been posting much because I am having some health issues, if you could say a little prayer for me and my family.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

God is good!

Had a great day today at the zoo with my little ones and my beloved husband, Time with my family is just what I need today. I have been going through a hard time lately and needed this time today with just my family. Really a great day! WE went to the zoo and it was overcast so that kept it from being so hot and the rain held off until we were done with the zoo and playing in the playground. Before we entered the zoo a nice group of young people were handing out waters and Capri Suns for the little ones while they handed out tracks. WE happily took them and they told us that God loved us. And in my head I was saying yes , he does and thank you Lord for reminding me you always know what we need. WE had a great time seeing all the animals. It didn't start raining until we were on our way to get something to eat. And of course we need rain so we are thankful for that as well. Now , I am fixing to sit back and rest a bit. Also something I really need. God is good, I say it but sometimes I forget just how good. This is a God who gave me a wonderful husband and 9 beautiful children when I am so undeserving. This is a God who sent his ONLY son to die so that I might live. HOw powerful is that!!!! Although times for me have been kind of rough lately, this too shall pass and everything will be ok. If you are going through a trial in your life right now you are NOT alone! And every trial we face is for a reason. We may never understand why but sometimes I think we are not meant to. Sometimes it is to draw us closer to the Lord so that we may in turn rely fully on Him.

Friday, August 3, 2012

New School Year

I am planning out next years school year. We never really stop schooling, just how we do. WE do alot of school but when we need to take a break I do not feel guilty . Anyway, this year for the most part I am hoping to use Switched on Schoolhouse for the older 4. WE will see how this works out. Then for my little man who is learning to read we will be using Learning to Read in 100 easy lessons. And then not sure what else for him yet. We do family bible study at night so we get alot of reading in then also. :) Anyway, so now this is what we have decided just so it will give me a bit of break on stressing about school and they can pretty much move at their own pace.

Couponing and finding deals

Couponing and finding deals (markdowns,etc..) are a great way to help stretch your families budget. I love a website that I go to daily that lets you know all the sales , markdowns , and deals she has found also how to use coupons and she pairs online printable coupons with markdowns. I have learned so much from there and have saved our family a ton of money. Yes, it takes a little time out of my day but it is so worth it. As a helpmeet to my husband I feel stretching our money is one of my jobs. Look at the deals I got today at CVS from markdowns and coupons. I paid $3.91 for all that you see plus a big bag of skittles that are not in the picture that were eaten by some little ones on the way home. :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Book Giveaway and Update

Sorry I have not posted much lately, been having somethings going on with my health that I still have not figured out about. But God is good and He is in control so I just have to focus on that. Anyway, to what you have been waiting for. I am giving away a copy of my book. Here it is on amazon. To win just leave a comment here as to how you save money. WE will put all names of comments in a hat and draw. You can enter DAILY, with different money saving ideas. Also sends your friends and if they leave a comment and leave your name that will be another entry for you as well. :) ****FORGOT TO ADD THAT THIS GIVEAWAY WILL END AUGUST 15TH