Saturday, July 30, 2011

My book

My book is ready and ready for purchase. You can purchase one here

Very short book but it is really a long testimony of what the Lord has done in my life. A great book for a teenage daughter!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Forgetting to Enjoy Life

The past few months I have felt like I have been walking in mud, I have been trying to rely on myself instead of relying on God. I have been just going through the days like a zombie just doing the things that needed to be done. But was I really? Was I forgetting to love on my little ones? Stop and take time with the Lord? Answer a older ones question? Love my husband? I am sad to say I was actually feeling self pity and feeling like the whole world was on my shoulders when in reality I have so many blessings!!!! I was letting the devil in!!! My how easy it happens and I did not really realize it till I was reading in the book I am reading on how to parent your teens and how easily the devil can take over their lives and they need to understand there is a predator out there just waiting for them. We have to have our guard up continually!!!! I am so glad that I realized what I was doing. I am trying to make sure I am being the wife,mother, and child of God I am suppose to be(not in that order). I want to do the will of the Lord and please him with the right kind of attitude. Life goes much more smoothly for me when I am not being selfish. I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life! I am so thankful to serve such a loving God and such a forgiving one. I am thankful I have such wonderful kids and such a wonderful husband that a lot of times overlook my imperfections.
I still have a lot of concerns in my life right now. I have twin teenage boys in the house, a almost teenage daughter, a emotional 8 yr old daughter, and 4 little ones 4 and under. I worry about the older ones hearts and where they are at. I worry about the little ones getting enough of me. And in all of this I worry that I am not being the wife to my wonderful husband because frankly some days I feel like there is nothing left of me. But I KNOW God's grace is sufficient for all our needs. We cannot do it alone and sometimes we just have to give it all to Him.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Help me win contest and in return you get to watch a awsome movie!!!!

This is a movie that our preacher gave all the families in our church for Christmas! It is a awsome movie. Watch it and leave me a comment on what you think about it.
For some reason it is not posting the link for me right now so just copy and paste