Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Animals taking over

LOL!!!! Well when we first moved into our new home almost a year ago we brought with us a dog,Jake and our laying hens(we had maybe 15 or so). Now we have those PLUS the older boys and dh brought home a puppy the other day, we just got a beta fish, we have like 15 more chickens, 3 hogs, and 2 ducks. NOW they are talking about getting a cow. WOW I always wanted to be like LIttle House on the Prairie but not sure how much lol. We are expecting our 9th child as well so as you can imagine we have a busy busy house. :) Wouldn't have it any other way. Oh and I also babysit a awsome littleboy a few days a week.

Friday, April 15, 2011


We have super busy lately. As I posted before we are expecting number 9. Went to my first midwife appt. Wendsday. My due date is NOv. 8th. Saw baby on ultrasound and everything looked good. Baby had good heartbeat and was moving all around. But we got some news about our hospital. They do not do VBACS anymore. I delivered at this hospital only 6 1/2 months ago and had my 6th VBAC! But they will not do them anymore. So...... my options are find another hospital and another doctor/midwife(and we loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the midwife we use) or homebirth. And really there are not very many hospitals around here anymore that are VBAC friendly which just blows my mind since the new research out now is that it is safer to VBAC than to just do another c section. So... we have this decision to make. I did try to talk my husband into homebirthing last time but he was totally against it but left with the choice like this this is what we are leaning towards. NOw that it is a possiblity I am feeled with so many emotions about it and am very nervous. Hopefully after getting some questions answered I will feel better.
My sister delivered a healthy baby girl MOnday of this week. We were so happy to welcome her into the world. She has 3 boys who are great but it is nice to finally have a niece.
I have so much I want to do in homeschooling the kids but it seems I never get to it. I just get the must do stuff done. Maybe we can do them soon but I dunno. Things just are so busy around here but maybe they will be a bit calmer the next couple of weeks.
Thinking about the busy times of my life though alot of it has to do with my children and I am so thankful I have each and every one and that God gave them to me. We are very excited to welcome this new one into our family. While we are sort of pushing for a boy with God , another girl would be just as good! :) A healthy baby is what we want.
I am so glad to finally say also that I think we have finally found a church home. It really feels like home and we get so much love and encouragement from everyone there. Life is never easy but I do believe God sends people into our lives to help us endure those trying times and I am so thankful for that. Well I think I better go, baby is ready to have some mommy time.