Monday, November 29, 2010

I am so blessed

This year I had so much to be thankful for during Thanksgiving it is so overwhelming. How precious is our Lord!!!!! I am really trying to keep the children's focus on where it should be for Christmas. Thank you Lord for sending your one and only son to save a wretch like me!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Being content

I am so content with what I have. I am so excited to be growing closer and closer to Jesus. Have you ever stopped and noticed when you are closer to the Lord things around you are so much brighter and when you are further from him everything seems cloudy. I am much more relaxed about things. Like yesterday I was trying to get to a doctor appt and was running late but I just turned up my Christian music and sang as loud as I could(since nobody was in the car with me :) ) Also gave me time to notice how beautiful the trees still are.
At night we always try to have a bible study with the kids. Lately after we do our study we sing. I bought some hymn books from christian book distributors and we sing out of those. It is so sweet to hear the kids sing, especially our teenage boys. We always end with Jesus Loves ME cause the little ones just love to dance and sing to that. Isn't that how we are suppose to be as adults as well? Just care free, loving Jesus so much that we want to dance and sing. :) Be the way if anyone has a good family bible study let me know, we are almost done with what we are doing.
Thought I would share some pics of the family since I have not done that in a while.

Friday, November 12, 2010

God is always there even if He is sometimes quite

I think I have used this line alot of times with others but I think sometimes forget to tell myself that. I am having a sort of down day today for many reasons and just want to sleep but know this is not possible. I mean God put me here for a reason, and gave me the gift of children, a husband, and a house to take care of. I think sometimes I need to tell myself yes He is there and has not left my side. How wonderful that is to know, isn't it. I so love the Lord and day by day I am trying to grow more in His word. I am no where near where I want to be but closer than I was years ago. There are many things in life that are not fair, things we do not understand. Trials we do not understand why we have to go through but faith is what keeps us going. I have no idea how people who do not believe in the Lord and have Him to lean on make it. Without the Lord somedays I think I would go crazy. And I know what going crazy is, I was there years ago. :) So, if you are having a bad day, week, or even a bad month just call out to the Lord. He is there and loves you and wants you to tell him all your problems. We should praise God not only in the good times but in the bad. And I praise Him that he brought me out of so much in my life to the life I have right now. I am so trully blessed!!! Life is not always easy, God never promised us it would be. IT is easy to praise him when things are going exactly the way we want them to but it is when things get a bit hard when praising him is important.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Loving my life

God has so richly blessed me and I am so undeserving. I am really trying to focus on Him more and give the Lord more time. I know it is still not enough but I try to get in some each day. I really would like to start in the mornings and have a bible study but I am so tired and do not get up before everyone due to the baby not sleeping very well yet. I do want to be a light to others in this very dark world though and there are so many things I need to work on. But I just love the life God gave me, no it is not always easy and somedays it is full of stress but I could not ask for more. Yes, I know I am rambling . All day long thoughts in my head are like this as well, lol.
I am so excited for my oldest daughter as we found someone to teach her to sew. The girl is from our church and super sweet. I only wished I learned to sew when I was younger.
I cannot believe it is already almost time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am trying to remember what they are both all about and trying to teach my kids the same thing. I am hoping to have stress free holidays this year. We are doing a Thanksgiving get together at our house with one side of our family since God has blessed us with a good size house. (Which I also believe was given to us for a reason besides just because we have so many kids, just not exactly 100% sure of that reason yet).
I just really love my life and am so thankful for all the Lord has blessed us with .My husband has already killed 4 deer this year and one of our twins killed his first deer also. All that deer meat will surely help with groceries :) . God is soooooooo good!!!