Friday, August 27, 2010

busy times

It is so busy around here but I guess you could call it a good busy. We are getting ready for the arrival of our 8th child. Having our sons 2nd birthday party this weekend and then our baby girls birthday party in two weeks. I cannot believe she will be 1!!!!!!!!!!! My where in the world does the time go. IT is flurry of activity around here right now. The older boys are working with a family in our church, hubby has been busy with work and my oldest daughter have been super busy with the little ones and trying to keep house. On top of this I have been trying to fit school in here and there and everywhere I can fit it in. :) God is good though and he will give me the strength to make it through. Really it is a good busy, rather be raising a family for the Lord than anything else. How about you?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Having Your Children's Heart

We are really struggling with one of our children right now. I wonder sometimes if the things we do or say to our kids really really make a difference. We try to do it right, although we ARE human and mess up time to time but we are really having a hard time with one of our children. THEN yesterday the child that has been such a blessing to me with so many little ones did something that was very upsetting. So then you stop and think are any of your children's heart in the right place. To have them live right you have to have their hearts. So... that is what I am really going to be working on until the baby comes. I KNOW that one day HOPEFULLY the way we are trying to raise them will show through. Oh how I pray it does anyway but until them I will just have to work on getting their hearts and therefore hopefully in turn them having a heart for God. Do you have your children's hearts? Is it something you strive for. I know in this society alot of times parents just want to be friends with their kids. TO not make them mad, to not have conflict but in the end does that benefit your child? It is easier to just let them go about their business than to do on them constantly. It is very time consuming but for ME it will be worth it in the end.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

And the winner is...............

Drumroll please..............................

Caroline!!!!!!!! Congrats to her and thanks to all who entered. Add me to your blogroll as I do giveaways here and there.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Any tips on keeping hardwood floors clean

Seems I clean my floors constantly and they always look dirty. May be because of so many little fit, I have tried to ask everyone around here to wear socks because I think that will help but nobody really has and it has been so hot who would blame them. Any tips??? Also any tips on putting the shine back on. In my kitchen in some spots the shine is gone. Any help would be appreciated.

Monday, August 9, 2010

So much going on

This season of my life is so crazy busy but I do not want it to fly by because I know I will miss it at some part in my life. I know life is all about seasons and this one I am in is a bit chaotic. There is something always on the calendar to do and add homeschooling, 7 kids, everyday household chores, and being pregnant it can feel so out of control. But I have to remember that God has everything in control so therefore if I lean on Him I will also. Baby will be here next month, I just cannot believe that!!! I have a good bit to do before she gets here so I better get started and we have 2 birthdays to celebrate before she makes her arrival. Alot of appts. and I would like to get in a good deal of schooling. I just have to remind myself with God all things are possible.
So for those that are starting back homeschooling how are things going. We school mostly year around for many reasons so it is not a big thing to us with school starting back but I know sometimes it is hard to get back into the swing of things. So how is everyone doing??? Would so love to hear.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Giveaway time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seventh Generation :)

Well most of you know I love Seventh Generation cleaners, and to get to use them without buying them is super exciting for me. Amazing what us mommies get excited over , isn't it lol. I was sent a Back to School Seventh Generation pack by MyBlogSpark. It included brown paper towels, 2 things of disinfectant wipes, cleaners, pull sack that is super nice, and a box of tissues. I am giving one of these exact kits away courtesy of MyBlogSpark. What you need to do to win you's how. You have multiply ways to enter each counts as 1 entry. Giveaway ends August 14th.

1.Tell me if you homeschool or if you send your public school and what the reason is why you chose that path.
2. Blog about this giveaway , don't forget to leave me your blog address so it can be counted.
3. Lastly by referrals. IF you refer someone here and they leave me a message telling me they were referred by you then that will count once for each referral. :)

Simple enough right!!! And plenty of chances to get many entrys.
**All the products, information and giveaway prize pack were all provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark.

Video on the History of Germs

**All the products, information and giveaway prize pack were all provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Giveaway coming very soon!!!!!!!!!!!! seventh generation

Just a heads up I will be doing another giveaway very soon so stay tuned! :)