Saturday, April 24, 2010

Amazing how God works

I am amazed at how God works in our lives, how He shows us what he wants for us if we just listen. I think that is where many of us , including me, make our mistakes is not listening. Just be still and listen to Him. What He wants for you may not be what you think. And things may change from one season to another. While I trully believe we should leave everything to Him and He will take care of us , I also believe he quietly whispers to us the next step we should take in our life. Many people have asked my husband and I when they find out how many kids we have if we have a brain, or they tell us we should use the brain God gave us. But just think of the bible. I bet everyone sure told Noah he should use his brain and not be building that boat, can you imagine how silly he looked. But he knew what purpose God had for his life. And since he LISTENED he was rewarded with his life and that of his family's. Could you imagine being his kids while he was building the boat, then imagine being his kids after the flood. What about Jesus what if he did not listen to God? What I am saying is that sometimes God's will for someone's family may not be what he wants for yours but you should NOT look down on them. Also recently in my quiet time I have discovered God is ready to give me a rest after this baby, not sure how long it will be or if this baby will be our last. I feel such a peace. I have definately heard loud and clear that my husband and I will be taking a break. Do I know what God has in store for us? No way! Do I know if He will give me a year break, 10 year break, or if baby 8 will be our last? No way! Only God knows that. But I take peace in realizing if we just listen God will tell us what we need to know. He will reassure us time and time again in several ways.
What a amazing God we serve!! WE are also going through a bit of a trial with trying to decide what to do about church. I will not get into this right now but I know God will lead us in the direction we need to go and where we need to be!! I know he will lead my husband in that direction. Thanks for all who read my blog and thanks to all who encourage my family. After all that is what Christian's are suppose to do! What christian's are suppose to do may just be my next topic. :) Because we have come far from what we ought to be doing.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Really thinking lately

I have been really been thinking lately about how we go through life and we totally forget how good God is. We forget daily what he does for us. Lately things have been a bit stressful here but as I step back and see others who are facing trials and situations I find myself praising the LOrd for the busy time because it is a good kind of busy. Busy with kids(thank God he has given each one), busy with trying to purchase a home(thank God we even have that oppurtunity), busy trying to keep house and keep dh happy and fed( and a big thank God for the wonderful husband I have). God is good!!! I have been talking with friends lately that are going through various trials and sometimes you wonder why you were placed in that persons life at the time you were , especially when one is so busy. But that may be where God is placing you at that time, you may not know how important you being there for that person at that time is. My point is don't forget to thank God for what he has blessed you with, don't forget to show christian friendship to those in need ( alot of people are hurting out there), don't forget what God has done for you!!!!!!!!
We are expecting our 8th child probably the end of September( due dates have been questionable) and I could not be happier. I am not sure if this will be our last or not, only God knows that. That is something I will be doing alot of praying about. But I am so thankful God placed in our hearts the desire to trust him these past years!!! If it would of been up to our own human logic my 2 smallest children would not be here. Wow, I could not imagine my life without my babies. I am excited to find out what we will be having on May 3rd. Each time seeing each baby on that ultrasound moniter is a miracle to me. IT is amazing each and every time and it never gets old.
And I just wanted to state I have the best husband in the entire world. He is such a good man. He is at our potential house cleaning up the yard because if everything goes through we could be closing the first of next month and he wants it all nice. He is such a hard working man. He has worked from morning to night for the past few days and he should be resting today. He is a wonderful daddy!!!! He loves his kids so much. He is my everything, my husband, my best friend, my rock, my inspiration to be better, etc... on and on. I love him so dearly. I am sadden hearing women talk these days even in the church about their husbands. This should not be taking place. MOst of the time husbands would do better if their wives would encourage them more. My prayer is women in this nation will wake up and remember what God put them here for. To be a helpmeet to their husband and to be a MOTHER to their children.
Okay I am gonna get off my soap box now. Please feel free to share with me how the Lord has blessed you lately or if you need to leave a prayer request please do so and I will pray for you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

WE are "hopefully" getting a house

Our offer has been accepted , the contract has been signed. Just waiting on the mortgage papers and those kinds of things. If nothing falls through we could be signing the end of this month. Please pray for us that things do not fall through, that this house is right for us, that dh can get some sleep(since we started this journey he hasn't slept much), that this is right. Thanks to you all. The house potentially could be made into a 8 bedroom house and it has 4.5 bathrooms in it!!!!!!!! It would be such a blessing for us.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


The winner of the Seventh Generation Giveaway is Nataly!!!!!!!! That is why you were so excited lol you knew you were gonna win. MY 7 yr old drew the winner so you can thank her. Congrats.... and for all those who didn't win I will be having more giveaways hopefully soon.
Nataly I need your address so your prize pack can be sent. I will be contacting you.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I will announce winner tommorrow but not sure when because are having a yard sale so bear with me ! :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

A pretty good weekend

We had a pretty good weekend. My 3 year old got to go play golf with his daddy Saturday. And he was on cloud nine , he was actually even happier than that! I have such a wonderful husband, most men would not want to bother with their kids going,especially little kids. I am so proud!! :)
Then we had a good Easter and I am so proud of my kids because talking with them yesterday most of them understand just want Easter is all about. WE do and don't do Easter baskets. My 7 year old picked hers out(we just buy really cheap ones) and then I got one for the 3 yr old. Then just a couple of things like bubbles and such for the 1 yr old. We really haven't talked about the Easter bunny to our 3 yr old so not sure what he thinks. Our 7 year old knows there is no such thing. Of course our older 3 do not even want to hunt eggs anymore, they wanted to hide them for the smaller ones LOL.
Well I better go , I have so much to do today. We are having a yard sale next weekend and I am getting ready for that. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter and got to spend it with family and friends.