Thursday, December 31, 2009

Amazing how

meals are so much better when thrown together. I didn't know what I was gonna make tonight and we really didn't have much in the house, but I remembered I had some potatoes and I have never made potato soup before but thought I would give it a try. I made some cheese sandwhiches along with it and the kids just loved it!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was pretty good too myself. Amazing when meals are so good and especially when they are just thrown together.

New Years!!!

Well it is soon to be another new year. where does the time go anymore. What are you New Year's Resolutions for this year??? Are they going to be the same thing as usual or are you going to really think hard about them. Of course we all want to get rich , lose weight, etc.. etc... Losing baby weight is upmost on my list but is not on the very top . Here is my New Year's Resolution list.
-Witness more!!!!!!!(this one will be hard for me as I am not really outgoing like my husband is)
-Be more patient, especially with my children!
-Read the Bible more. MAKE TIME for bible study.
-Trust in the Lord Fully this year!!!! ~~~ Wow this list is getting harder.
- Take more time for the fun stuff, not all the strict chores and homeschooling all the time.
-GIve my husband more, I think lately I have neglicted him a bit. I hope not but feel I might have.

Right now those are the top of my list.... so what are yours this year????

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I cannot believe it is almost Christmas, where does the time go. When I was little seemed like it took years to come back around but now as I get older and older it seems it is mere months. I am trying to just take some time and breathe and take everything in these days cause it seems it is slipping away so fast. The kids grow so fast. This year has been a good year for us though! We have trully been blessed. We were blessed with another baby this year, my dh's business was blessed, everyone was pretty healthy this year while many around us were really sick, we are blessed with so much. This Christmas I just want to sit back and take it all in. What more could a mommy want? A wondeful husband and 7 healthy , beautiful blessings. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and that everyone remembers what this season is about. WE get so caught up in the presents, cooking, get togethers,etc... that sometimes we forget what the true meaning is. I hope the New Year treats you all well but try just just live in the here and now. Live each day to the fullest! Love like you have never loved, give like you have never gave, and most important reach out to others like you never have before. Tell the world about the wonderful baby born to come and save us all!! We will never ever receive a better present! I was saved by that baby and through HIM I will not go to Hell! Yes, I know totally different than what we usually talk about during Christmas but my heart aches for the lost, especially those lost people that are in our families and right across the road from us, our neighbors. God bless you all and have a joy filled Christmas and let your light shine!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wonderful things happening here

First I want to say it is super busy around here but it is a good kind of busy. I just wanted to let you all know that our 6 year old daughter went in front of the church Sunday morning and with the preacher's help said the prayer and has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She will be getting baptised soon. She has been asking for months for us to let her get baptised but her father and I just wanted to be sure. She has been so excited since. They gave her this really neat workbook to go through which we are doing during homeschool and also this little book you can write down the date of when you were born, very neat! I am so proud and hope that she grows to be a strong godly lady.
In other news our 1 yr old is FINALLY walking more than crawling, he can actually almost run if he wants too lol. I love to see a 1 yr old toddling around, nothing cuter. Baby girl is doing really good. She has been mostly in the bed with us but last night she slept from 11:30 to 6 this morning in her bassinet!!!!!!!!! I got some good sleep. :)
My ebay store is doing okay, hopefully when I get more established and have return customers it will pick up.
I went and watched our 10 yr old daughter Monday night during parent's week with her baton class, I was so proud. She is doing wonderful. This is her first year and she was the only one that did not drop her baton and looked like she really knew what she was doing. I really like where she takes because they are Christian oriented. She also does Christian drama there with her 6 yr old sister. I get to watch them do some of the Christian drama Thursday and watch our other daughter that night as well. Oh wow that is tommorrow. Where is the week going?
Our 12 yr old sons are doing well, just normal 12 yr old things we are trying to work on and our 2 yr old son is so full of energy sometimes just watching him makes me tired. He is so super sweet though and tells the other kids all the time, you are my friend. LOL
God bless you all and I hope you are all ready for Christmas.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ebay store

I haven't posted on my blog in a while cause I have been busy trying to get my ebay store going. I have been wanting to do something to make some extra money so when dh's business is slow he won't have to worry so much. Here is the link . Let me know what ya think and while your there see if there is something you can use lol. It is in the very early stages. I will mostly be selling Gymboree but will have other things. Thanks for all of you have already been supporting me on this, it means alot. This will also help clothe our 7 kids as well :)

Friday, December 4, 2009


I think with each new child the Lord blesses us with comes a new learning experience for me. With many small little ones sometimes seem things seem overwhelming but this causes me to lean on my faith so much more and pray more often. I think with each child has come stronger faith and understanding in what God put me here for. I am so in awe that God would call me to be the mother of such little blessings. To trust ME, me of all people, to raise them is unbelievable to me. This thanksgiving meant so much to me, I have so much to be thankful for. With so much divorce going on around me I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband. Yes, I went through a awful relationship in my younger days but it only made me the person I am today and only makes me cherish my relationship with my husband more now. NO things are not always easy for us, right now my husband doesn't have much work but this morning I woke up with a peace that God is gonna take care of us. How awsome is that. I love my husband, I love my kids and first and foremost I love the Lord that gave them to me.