Saturday, June 20, 2009

still here

Well we have Vacation Bible School this week, I helped in the nursery. That was sort of tiring getting home late all week. hubby has been busy building a huge mega deck for one of his customers so we are both just exhausted. But the kids had a super time at Bible School. Next week the two girls are going to a dance camp thing, they will be taught baton,dance,tumbling,and cheerleading. My youngest has been so wanted to get into something like this and we have been hesitate because some of the music and dance at some of these places but this is a Christian lady and suppose to be a christian atmosphere. We shall see.They are excited. Today we have my nephew's birthday party to go to. My hubby is working today to try to finish up that job but he said he probalby will not have it all finished. It has been super duper hot this week, I have felt so bad for him. Yesterday here the heat index was 102, today it is suppose to be worse. Pregnancy is going well , getting bigger every day. It has gone by so fast I guess because I stay so busy. I cannot believe I am already 26 weeks! I had said we would be schooling all summer this year also but we have been so busy we have hardly gotten any school in, oh well got some math in this past week and have been working with the smaller ones so that is the main thing. We are using Christian Liberty this year so I do not have to fret about what I am going to do, I am super excited about that. In Sunday School we are doing the Love Dare study and I just love it, I think every church's young adults should go through it. Every marriage can use a pick me up. Society today just does not see marriage as important and it saddens me to the core. Well I better go get started on some laundry. Have a blessed day.

Monday, June 15, 2009

busy times

I hardly get around to blogging anymore. I really miss reading blogs too but just not enough time in the day for that. This past weekend my wonderful mom and dad kept our kids so we could spend the weekend just my hubby and I. it was great!!! I did get to really missing the kids. My birthday is at the end of this month and I told me mom awhile back that I wanted her to do that for us for my birthday present so this was the weekend she could do it. then last night vacation bible school started at our church, I am helping out in the nursery. so needless to say this week will be really really busy. It starts at 6:00 and ends at 9:00! our computer crashed late last week so Friday night when we did not have the kids we went computer hunting and found a nice one, I hated to have to spend that money but we have to have a computer for dh's business. NOw I am just praying the guy we use to work on our computer before can get dh's business stuff off our hard drive and onto this computer. Pregnancy is going well, just getting super big. I do not like being pregnant in the summer. Baby girl is very very active. WEll that is about it. Better go.