Wednesday, May 13, 2009

what a Mother's Day

Well as I posted before I had a torn/seperated muscle at the beginning of the week. Then had tons of appts to go to. Then on Wendsday my youngest daughter got sick, then my 2 yr old son got it and then of course Friday I was not feeling well at all. I was suppose to go to a Mother Daughter tea with my mom, grandma, sister, and my 2 girls but of course I missed it due to me being sick and one of the kids still not feeling well. Then Sunday we were gonna go to church and after church go to my moms to grill out. Well we didn't make it there either cause I was still sick so I missed everything for MOther's day. :( then Sunday night our septic tank started backing up in the house so we had to spend the extra money to get it pumped out cause it was full. ugh!!!!!!!!! But on a bright note my husband got me a pretty necklace, anklet, and earrings for Mother's Day so not all was lost. And I do have so much to be thankful for, 6 pretty healthy kids. And a baby girl on the way that so far looks really healthy. My, the Lord has blessed us. All of the sickness and unexpected bills fade and other things come up but one thing I am trying to remember is God is good, and he is good all the time. He has been so good to me , even though I trully have never deserved it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Things have been crazy around here!!!!

WEll we went on vacation to PIgeon Forge, Tenn. Took the kids to Dollywood, they had a blast and it was nice to get away. When we got back as many of you know we found out we are having ababy girl this time around. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!! Well then I started hurting on my left side, this past Sunday night we had Awana awards at our church and when we got home it was hurting something awful. I got up the next morning and almost could not get out of bed , felt like I could not breathe . I was so concerned for the baby, but I was like I just had a ultrasound less than a week ago. Anyhow to make a long story short and skip all the phone calling, midwife trying to figure out what she wanted me to do,etc... I went in and it turns out I had a torn/seperated muscle. It has been the most awful pain I have had in a long time. I think at times worse than labor. Of course I was suppose to be resting but the next day we has two appts. one at 1:00 and the other at 3:30, we did not get home from those till a little after 5:00. I was hurting something ferious by then but my wonderful sister and mom cooked us supper that night and brought it so I didn't have to worry about that. Praise God!!!!Then of course the next day I had to go grocery shopping cause we were out of everything. In the middle of shopping my youngest daughter says her tummy is hurting and starts crying , so I hurry through my shopping and sure enough we get home she is running a temp and eventually throws up!!!!!!!!! I am just like when it rains it pours. anyhow, she has been better today. Then to top it all off our 8 mth old has been super super whinny ,guess he is teething I dunno. He already has two teeth. But ya know as I was soaking in the nice warm tub last night I got to thinking in spite of if all I would NEVER want another life. I love my life and I feel I am doing what God made me to do and that is be mother and wife. IT may not be a famous job, it is a job we hardly ever get credit for but when I look at my children and see them smile or hear them say I love you, or my 2 yr old come up and ask for a hug it makes it all worth it!!!!!!! God is good, sometimes I think I forget that, in between the cleaning, homeschooling, correcting of attitudes,changing dirty diapers,kissing boo boo's,etc.....God is good and he is good all the time and he gave me these little ones. and they grow so fast!!!!!!! I want to start remembering to just enjoy it. I have wasted so much time with worry. I am just gonna start enjoying every moment.