Monday, October 20, 2008

Do you ever feel like your brain is spinning!

Seriously that is how I feel anymore. LIke my brain is just constantly going. I haven't posted in a while cause frankly I am afraid I would not make much sense. I do have a praise report of sorts. Our new baby boy went for his check up and I asked the doctor about him not focusing on us, our doctor said he thought he was not focusing and was not sure he could see. So needless to say we were scared. I figure he would just tell me he was little and we needed to give him more time but he said he wanted to set him up with a eye specialist. So he did the next Monday and we went. Hubby and I sat there for over a hour a half with a almost 7 week old and a 20 month old. Hubby finally went and asked them what was going on and they said they ususally dialate a child's eyes but since he was so small and they were not sure what was going on they wanted the doctor to see him first. Well..... they finally called us back and do you think we saw the doctor first??? Nooooooooooooo. She asked us questions and then dialated his eyes. So we waited at least another 30 minutes for his eyes to dialate. finally got back there and the doctor probably spent 2 minutes with him. Said he thought his eyes were fine but he was really too young. I was not thrilled with him at all and his bedside manner. Anyway, he wants us to bring him back at 3 months. Sooo.. while he did say he doesn;t think anything is wrong it didn't reassure me all the way. But I know whatever happens it will be okay. He does seem to be focusing more but still mostly while we talk to him looks up and around. But has started smiling some.
I was so proud of myself this Sunday. My dh was at a men's retreat with my sister and bil's church and I got all 6 kids ready and made it to Sunday School almost on time. :) Ya me!!!! Isn't it funny the older kids are really the ones who cause you the most problem. I think my dh was really blessed at the men's retreat so that is a praise report.
well I am getting off here, gotta go cook some supper. Hope everyone has a blessed night.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Dh and I went and saw the movie fireproof last Tuesday and it was awsome. I have been trying to focus a little more on my marriage cause I know alot if not most of my attention goes to the kids so I decided to suck it up and let my mom watch all the kids including the baby even though I do not like leaving the kids when they are babies till they are a bit older. But.. it was only a few hours. Anyway, I am so glad I did . Dh and I both agreed it was probably the best movie we had ever saw. ALL married couples need to see this movie and I think lives will totally be changed because of it. I think we should support movies like this also, that was one of the reasons I went to see it. anyway, if you haven't got to see it you must. Our night went well too and it did dh and I good to get out together .With a housefull of kids spouses really do not get much time for each other but we do need to remember our spouses and remember to baby our marriages also.
In other news I cannot believe our baby boy will be 6 weeks old Tuesday!!!! :) My how time flies.