Saturday, August 30, 2008

Birth story

This is a condensed version. I will spare you some details.
Monday when I went to the midwife I was dilated almost 3 cm. and having contractions. She said I was in early labor and since we have so far to drive to the hospital she was debating what to do. She decided to let me go home and IF i was still pregnant to come in Wendsday. Well when I got home I was having some good labor pains. They ended up being like 2 to 5 minutes apart but were not too bad and were not too long so I decided to pack the kids , which would take a while and take them to my parents house. I knew I was in labor but probably had time. Anyway, so we dropped them off and headed to the hospital. got there and I was having regular contractions about 2 minutes apart and was almost 4 cm's. So my midwife decided she wanted me to walk for a hour. Ugh so I did. Came back and I was between 4 and 5 cm. She was debating on what to do again. Since we live so far she said there was no way I was going home. So about midnight she broke my water. Thought that would really get it going. Well after she broke my water my contractions got hard , I took some pain iv med and tried to rest a bit. I was dilated like 5-6 cm . And then I pretty much stopped. I stalled out!!!!!!!! Sooooo.. from then on it is all a blur. A huge blur. Then ended up starting pitocin and then after awhile found the problem, it was the way he was turned. I had already walked hours and hours on end. I was sooooooooooooo exhausted. I had to stand up and dance around, get on the ball,etc... to get him to move the right way. Finally when he did, it didn;t take long. And with 3 pushes he was out. It was my roughest labor. And on top of it all these midwives do not believe in giving iv pain meds anytime near when they think you will deliver in the next 2 hours. So when I had him at 5:40 the last time I had had pain meds was at 1:30 dh said, Then after all of that my midwife realized some of my placenta was still in me!!! She told me my options . They gave me some sort of pain meds and went in after it. The meds were not working yet and it was just as horrid as the labor!!!!! SO then the meds finally started working and I could not keep my eyes open to even hold the baby. I was so mad. SO this is my birth story of Issac, i skipped alot cause I will bear you the details. It was so horrid of a labor that we did not call the kids to come till after he was born. The plan was for some of them to be in the room again but we decidedto just wait which turned out to be the better decision. And even though it was so terrible I knew God would get me through . I prayed alot!!!!! And in the end all the pain was totally worth it. Thanks for all your thoughts/

Friday, August 29, 2008

Baby is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was born August 26th after a very rough labor. But he was so worth it. weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long. We are doing well. He has his days and nights mixed up but that is to be expected. Just wanted to share that Issac Asher is here.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

midwife appt

I had my midwife appt yesterday, Went well. NOthing much to report. Dilated between 1 cm to 2. So I could go now till my due date. said she thinks he will be bigger than my rest, eek! Heart rate was good. Everything checked out good. hemoglobin is still low but they did not do anything about it. Now it is just a waiting game. I have less than 4 weeks till my due date. :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back from Paige's appt with her arm

Okay I am back, it took FOREVER and we only saw someone for llike 10 minutes. They said the xray showed it was starting to heal , the one little piece of bone was still out of place but shouldn't cause any problems. Still showed some shortening but not nothing that needed surgery. Said they would take her cast off and if she felt pain they would recast it, well they took it off she supposedly felt no pain so they put it in a splint. To me the arm still did not look right. Told us she needed to wear the splint for 2 weeks and she could take it off at night to take a bath and she needed to move her wrist around and fingers cause right now they are super stiff. Well....... when I got home they called me back and said she needed to wear the splint the full 4 weeks till we come back. Her appt is September 17th(dunno what I am gonna do about that , just have to see when baby comes). Said she needed to make sure she was not rough housing, jumping on the trampoline,riding a bike, or ANYTHING like that. so they must of saw something that changed their mind.
well... when dh came in and saw her arm he said it also looked weird to him and that it still looked broken and that he wanted a second opinion. I am sooooooooo tired from the trip and waiting I said what do you want me to do. HE took the phone book looked up a orthopedic doctor he knew in a nearby town that he likes and called them. Told them we wanted a second opinion and why, They said it didn't sound right to them she was only in a cast for 3 weeks that for all their patients with a break it is 6 weeks. That is how long our son was in his cast when he broke his arm, said the doctor we are wanting to see would not be in the rest of the day due to surgeries and had surgeries to do MOnday but that they could proabably talk to him about it Monday so they would call us back MOnday or Tuesday to let us know. He also takes our insurance, so that would be great.
It wasn;t bad what they charged today . $35 for the splint which I paid today and $80 for xray which they are gonna bill me for. But when we go back she will have to have another xray and I don;t know what else they will do. But Dh does not want her to go back there, so we will see. All this going on while I am fixing to have a baby. SHEESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We just have so much going on too with other things too. Monday I will be 36 weeks. I will post more later

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Busy days!

i know it has been awhile since I posted , also have not gotten to visit many blogs lately either. Just has been so busy around here. Between a broke arm, bladder problems with my youngest daughter, getting ready for baby, and every day things. I took our daughter back about her using the bathroom so frequently and he had no idea so she will be seeing a pediatric urologist. We have been waiting on that appt for 2 days now, I have called and called no appt yet!!!!!!!!! I am not happy with this at all. Our oldest daugther goes back in 2 weeks to see if she can have her cast off and if everything is healing correctly. Praying it is. Yesterday hubby stayed out of work and we got alot done around here. We took our old broken crib down(been through 5 kids) and put up the new one we bought. PUt together the toddler bed and put it in the boys room for when I am ready to put little man in there room which will probably be a couple months after baby is born. Did some rearranging. I cleaned off my book shelves in the school room to make room for our books this yr. GOt alot of other stuff done too. I cannot believe MOnday I will be 34 weeks!!!!!!!!!! I have a midwife appt monday too so I will try to update what she says sometime.
So how is everyone else. Busy as we are probably! And when it is time to relax and just sit down and watch the news who wants to. Ugh! so tired of hearing the mess on the news. NEither presidental canidate I am thrilled with. Both scare me to death! WE are in for a mess is all I can say. But with God all things are possible, that is what I keep telling myself about everything in my life right now.
i am also busy planning our Florida trip we are taking in MArch. We are wanting to take our daugther to Magic Kingdom for her birthday. While we are there it will also be the boys birthday. We are wanting to go to Magic Kingdom, Seaworld, and Universal. Anyone have any tips,tricks on how to save money??? We already found a house we are gonna stay in , my parents are also going so we are halfing the house with them. So that is helping.
anyway, I better get off here and get something done. The kids are being awful this morning, not sure why.