Friday, May 30, 2008


I forgot to add I finished Desperate Housewife Desperate for God and it was soooooooo awsome. I highly recommend the book!


I have not been sleeping well cause I have been having some problems with my wisdom teeth, seem they give me problems with each pregnancy and on top of that it is getting harder to sleep the bigger I get. My hips have been hurting too! Today I went to Wal Mart and then to the grocery store/ Trying to budget a bit and so I made a menu plan for the week and so I had a good bit of groceries to get . Came home the kids and I put groceries up and straightened the house a bit while little man slept. Then I went and got them something from McDonalds and took them to the park. Levi loves the swings and to slide down the slide with my help. It always tires me out but I don't care cause the kids have fun.
Two out of the 3 baby chicks have died so I dunno what is going on., I feel so sorry for the boys and for my oldest dd too for that matter. They have wanted to hatch chicks for so long and have grown quite fond to these babies, I keep trying to tell them these kinds of things happen.
Well that is about it for this post as I am super tired and need to finish supper and change little one.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Midwife appt.,

Okay so my appt went pretty good,. My blood pressure and everything seemed to be good. I have already gained a total of 20 pounds so far!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!! I am measuring right on and the baby's heart rate was around 150. Then they sent me for my ultrasound which was vaginal . She wanted to be sure along with my placenta previa that my cervix was not changing any from all the braxton hicks I am having. Cervix looked really good they said and my placenta has moved up some so now it is only marginal so they said looks really for a regular birth and that we do not have to worry AS MUCH. I go back in two weeks to check it again and if they say it looks good then I can go back to my regular scheduled appts. After my vaginal ultrasound she scanned my tummy for a second just so I could see baby but he was faced down so all I could get a pic of was his backbone. He looks good though so that is what counts.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

pregnancy update!

pregnancy week by week

Well I have my ultrasound appt today to see if my placenta previa has corrected itself. If anyone sees this before I go at 4:00 today please say a little prayer for me. I know things could be tons worse and I am so thankful baby has seeemed healthy thus far but this would mean a c section and that is something that just doesn't sit well with me at all./ I had a bad experience with my emergency section with the twins , I think I told about before. Cannot wait to see the baby. I need to quit calling him that and just call him Issac. Anyway, just wanted to do a quick post to say prayers are appreciated and I will update you all probably tommorrow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Passionate Housewife Desperate for God

This is a awsome book, if you have not got it yet it is really good. I am almost half way through it. Hard to put it down. IT has really changed how I look at my job and what God created me for. I just feel so refreshed reading it. I urge every woman to check it out.
Also if any of you have any suggestions on any other great books I am all ears. My second fave book that is compared to this one is Created to be His Helpmeet! ALso love Be Fruitful and Multiply. I just finished A Full Quiver and it was awsome too!! It is good to read such encouraging books when you feel sort of lonely. Okay so I guess I got off on some kind of book list. Sorry!!
In other news it has been a busy week here with doctors and tommorrow dentist appt's. And everyday life but for some reason I just feel so refreshed this week. At the end of the day I am still tired but I have looked at things a different way and have gotten so much done and accomplished and have even went outside with the kids every evening. I am trying to take it easy till I find out if the placenta previa has corrected itself but then again I feel pretty good. How is everyone else???? How does God show you daily how wonderful your life is???? He has shown me in so many ways to me realize how lucky I am to have the husband I do to the wonderful blessings he has given in my children. Also for giving me good health! Praise God!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Baby chicks/yard chickens

Okay so we have chickens and the boys have been trying to get some chicks hatched by the natural way(getting the momma todo it) and also with a incubator. Well finally they went to the chicken pen today and found chicks in the coop. MY husband knows about raising chicks but I would like some suggestions , tips in doing this. Those of you that have yard chickens/chickens in a pen do you worm your chickens??? Do you give them vitamins?? What do you give the chicks for them to say healthy and strong??

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Field Trip

Well we took the kids on another field trip yesterday. We took the kids to see this . it was really neat but took alot our of us all. We saw the Snowbirds which is the Canada verson of the Blue Angels . They were also,. WE were sort of dissappointed though cause the Green Beret did not jump due to their pilot getting sick. WE were there over 4 hours and I was exhausted by the end but it was something great for the kids to see,
In other news baby boy is still not walking. He is 15 months now. He is too focused on talking, he can say almost anything he wants to., IT is really shocking. The other kids are doing well and getting so big, where does the time go. this pregnancy has been pretty hard. I just try to keep on going. I am hoping my placenta previa will have corrected itself when I go back the 21st. I am really suppose to be on bedrest but no can do for me. Anyway, that is about it for around here, Just stay super tired!
HAPPY EARLY MOTHERS DAY to all the mommies out there if I do not post again before then. We have been staying pretty busy around here